Diary Of A Broke Playboy – Episode 24 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Playboy – Episode 24

After over 15 minutes of cutting and
designing bits and pieces of paper, I was
able to cover the names on the card
and wrote mine on it. My next stop was
in shapes room. She was on a cotton
short nicker and a top that looked like
a bra and a singlet. It showed her
stomach and her boobs too. I would
have been distracted but I was there for
serious business, besides anytime I set
my eyes on shape, the first thing that
comes into my mind is Virgin.
"The sexiest virgin alive" I hailed her as
I got into her room.
"Hey, sweetheart"
"How was your night?"
"Cute, yours? "
" Fine o, Just this cold and loneliness".
She smiled and eyed me naughtilly.
"Hope you have wished Naza a happy
"It was the first thing I did today and
that is also why I am here"
"Tell me about it"
"Well first one, can i have your
"Ok". Her powder smelled absolutely
nice so all I did was take out the rose
flower, sprinkle the powder on it while
Shape watched like I was doing a
merlin something. I managed to get the
flower to smell like the powder, it was
a lovely one and shape laughed at my
ingenuity. What else can a broke lover
boy like me do?.
"Now onto the next one" I said and
shape looked at me in a really sweet
way and my mind yelled, Virgin!
"Ermmm, shape, do you have a new
pant or bra that you are not using?".
Hahaha, now, that was supposed to be
a joke but i was serious in a way.
"Why?" she asked Giving me a puzzled
"I want to add it to a list of Naza's
birthday presents"
"But me and her don't wear the same
size naa, I'm bigger than her" she said
and that was true, Naza was the hour
glass type of girl but everything was
moderate in a sexy kinda way, but
shape, men she was just shape.
"Don't worry, the tailor will slim fit it"
I said and we both burst into laughter.
So with everything set, I was ready to
drop in on Naza like a nuclear bomb,
her presents were lined up on my bed
according to heights. The card, the
flower and a bottle of red wine,
borrowed from a lodge mate. I had
promised to return it to him once I get
back, Naza hated red wine and I was
sure she wouldn't drink it but at least
she would acknowledge that I bought
WINE even though it wasn't her type
but then, I can always say I forgot that
she hated it. Shape was going to
accompany me, I don't know who was
going to pay for the transportation but
then, I know that the Lord will always
be Good. 11am on the dot, I was
preparing to take my bath when my
door opened.
"Shape, its stilll early naa, I thought
we agreed 1pm" I said facing the T.v.
"Hello" a totally different, Seductive
and hypertension reducing voice called
out. I jerked up and took a look in the
direction of the door. I didn't know
whether to be angry or smile at her.
She just stood there in all her beauty
and curvature, her skintight mini gown
x-raying her body, her face looking
better than it was the last she had
visited, her curves were sharper than a
French curve abi bending corner. She
was a heavy, the Mercy Johnson kind
of heavy. The moment I set my eyes on
Cynthia at my door, I knew Chinaza's
birthday was about to be relegated to
the background.
If you thought I was ever going to miss
My baby's birthday just because
Cynthia dropped her bad ass in my
room that fateful day, well, you would
have thought right and if you thought I
wasn't going to miss Naza's birthday
for anything in the world, errrm, you
should be right also.
Of the above two school of thoughts,
the later was more applicable, I so
much wanted to stay back and sample
what Cynthia had brought for me, that
was me, if it's cute and shapy and
wears a skirt, I'm in. But then, Shape
wasn't ready for that and besides, she
had to protect the interest of her dearly
beloved friend.
"Cynthia," I had sang out the very
moment she walked into my room, all
thick with her endowments. She would
have been very muscular if she was a
man. She gave me that look that would
knock any man out and make any
flaccid dick do a dab. As I sat there, the
Cynthia I saw was far from the devil I
had always tagged her to be, you
couldn't find any better definition for a
perfect angel, only that she wasn't fair
or had wings.
"Baby," she muttered, walking up to me
on the bed and drawing me into her
thick, sweet, seductive perfume. She sat
besides me, her boobs all over me like
the anointing was on the disciples on
the day of Pentecost.
"You never told me your were coming."
I managed to say amidst the whole
"You would have told me not to come."
she replied, dropping her head on my
"I missed you," she whispered and
dropped her hand on my bare laps, just
below my boxers.
"You missed me abi you missed the
She laughed and withdrew her hand.
"I missed everything." she replied. I
turned to face her and God was I
tempted. I imagined the about 30
minutes fun that would happen if I was
to get down with this fine lady and
compared it with the days of unlimited
tongue lashing that would happen if I
happened to miss Chinaza's birthday.
My mind told me it wasn't worth it but
the flesh was weak all through. My
body was going to be disappointed in
me if I missed this opportunity of
sampling this girl again after a very
long time.
"So what did you bring for me?", I
asked, trying to cover up all the dirty
thoughts going on in my mind.
"See me here, am I not enough?" she
asked, giving me a suggestive smile.
"You what? You want to come and
forget something again abi?" I asked
and she burst into laughter.
"How is your baby? Are you still
together?" she asked maybe expecting a
no. She was disappointed shaa but that
didn't stop her from stealing a kiss. A
kiss I willingly allowed her to steal. We
adjusted ourselves on the bed for a
little romance, as e dy hot. My lips
found its way to hers and we kissed
explosively, kissing each other out of
breath, my hands were already on their
ways to her zipper, yapping at her bra
strap at the same time, the bra snapped
first and the load of her massive jugs
fell on her clothes. I moved my lips
down to her nape and my left hand
involuntarily found its way to her mass
of fleshy breasts.
It had been a long time since I last got
some action and my body reflected it so
much. One thing to the other and we
were both on the bed, a few inches to
being fully unclad. My fingers were
already penetrating her wet coochie
while my fully erect peni were
protesting to take their rightful place,
she moaned softly to my touches and
held my near exploding dick with her
hands, trying to dislodge it. I tugged
and pulled at her panties and she held
my hands to my surprise. I gave her a
look that portrayed all the vexation I
was going to heap on her if she dared
stopped what she had started. She
merely smiled and nodded towards the
To be continued

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