Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 60 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 60

My whatsapp dp, my Facebook dp, my
twitter dp, my qq dp, my bbm dp, my
Screensaver, my world was all a
picture of those little cute things. Naza
was always trying her best to keep me
away but in the end, she will end up
asking for me. We loved being around
them and so did everybody. It wasn't
much of a public something but few
people did come. It was easy for me as
I wasn't footing the bills. Naza looked
sweet still but all stressed up. Either
she was cuddling them to sleep or she
was breast feeding them. It wasn't easy
and she was always taking the stress
out on me.
She would never take a minute break
to tell me how unreliable I was. How
much of a bad father I was going to be
and she needed a better role model for
our pumpkins, she didn't need me
around them and bla bla bla. I was at a
time getting pissed at the constant
nagging even though I deserved them to
an extent but then, Naza was
decorating me with it. But then,
whenever I look at those two
magnificences she had produced for
me, I was always calm with a smile on
my face.
"And this is how you do it," she said
and clipped the diaper. I just crossed
my hands and watched. She just needed
another argument otherwise, I didn't
see any difference between what she
just did and what I had done. The baby
girl just lay on the bed in Chinaza's
room giggling gibberish. Chinelo was at
the corner, waiting to have a laugh of
her life. Chinaza had insisted the babies
had no name yet until she is able to sit
down and think out a name them. For
now, everybody can only call them
baby boy and baby girl. Baby boy was
already asleep on the bed.
"So what did I just do?" I asked calmly.
She picked the baby and dropped her
next to her brother.
"You clipped the diaper too hard. It
will feel squeezy on her and will slow
down the passage of blood," she
explained slowly. I carved a smile out
the corner of my mouth.
"Did she complain?" I asked slowly,
moving back to avoid a slap that might
spring up.
And we were done for the day. She
rarely talks sense to me these days so
it's either she is pummeling me with
words or she was iterating how much
the babies eyes looked like mine or how
they had oval faces like mine, all
against her wish.
"I hope they don't also grow up to be
like you too," she would say and let out
a loud hiss.
So I kept staring at the babies. They
were real cute and comfy to hold. I had
to wake the girl up again. I wanted to
carry her to my fulfillment. Chinaza
had gone to take her bath so it was all
convenient for me. She let out a baby
cry and I picked her from the bed into
my arms. She stopped crying and I kept
taking in the fresh baby scent from her
body. I love the way new born babies
smell. We were at our father and
daughter business when Naza walked
in, all wet with just a towel to cover
her sexy body.
"Who woke her up?" she asked,
accusing me with her eyes already.
"I was on my way out when she started
crying," I defended.
"Then what happened?" she asked
rhetorically and took her from me.
"I don't know, maybe the diaper was
squeezy on her," I said with a mock
smile. She rolled her eyes and dropped
the baby on the bed. She cackled and
we smiled, individually. They were our
new bond, the kids and we loved them
as much as we loved each other.
Chinaza wouldn't admit it but I knew,
we both wished we could just come to
terms and tell each other how much
happy we were together with two
beautiful ones in between us.
"Naza can we talk?" I asked her. She sat
on the bed, sharing her powder
between her and the giggling baby.
"About what?"
"Us, you and me." I said, sitting on the
bed and grabbing the baby's finger.
"Ok. Talk," she said in a voice
portraying no emotion.
"You know my love for you is taller
than this building?" I asked.
"Yes, I know but your fvck up is taller
than our church tower," she replied. I
ceased the urge to laugh, I wanted to be
serious this time around.
"Yes. I am sorry for those things. I just
love you and now that we have these
babies, I want us to be closer like we
used to be, even more closer than we
used to be," I preached. She sat on the
bed beside me.
"You want us to be closer, now that we
have these babies? Do you want to have
another one?" she asked, trying to act
like she misunderstood me.
"Yes," I said and nodded with a grin.
"And who will now marry me after I
must have given birth to 1 million
children for you?"
"I am here, I am not going into the
seminary," I said.
"Me, marry you?" she asked.
"Yes, was that not the plan before?"
"No, I have changed my mind. I won't
even trust you with my daughter when
she grows up."
"So you are now saying that I will be
running after my own daughter?" I
asked, getting angry all of a sudden.
"Who knows?" she replied nonchalantly
and that was it. I vexed. Stood up and
brushed my trouser.
"I am going," I said and started walking
for the door, hoping she would call me
back like she always did the other days.
She did no such thing. I walked back to
the bed. My daughter was sleeping
already, peacefully and calmly. I bent
low and pecked her cheek, she woke up,
much to Chinaza's annoyance. She
snapped at me and my boy woke up
too. Good, if she was going to break my
heart like that then she deserved a little
punishment. She gave me her killer
frown but I was too angry to care. She
once told me that one of the reasons
she loved me was because of my
capacity to do absolutely stupid things,
sleeping with her friend was not one of
them though. I bade my goodbyes and
headed for the door. She needed all the
space she can get, her boobs were about
to get busy.
And the days that followed were just
like that. She was punishing me for
what I did and I was even too ashamed
to complain. So I bought her a flower.
A very big bouquet and a teddy too.
Though it cost me much more than I
had expected. Never knew silly things
like that cost much, that comes from
having a girl like Chinaza that demands
only for love and nothing else. It
pained me paying that much, like a
stuffed teddy going for 4k. I had argued
with the dealer that I was buying a
teddy bear and not a baby. I eventually
got a red one. Red was the color of love
and a red bouquet matched it. If she
rejects it, I was going to give the teddy
to the boy and the flowers to the girl.
At least if I wasn't a good boyfriend, I
would be a good father.
I was busy with the wrapping of the
gifts in the confines of my room.
Youtube was teaching me the job. Then
Naza banged in. She rarely knocked. I
hid the ribbon behind me, too clumsy
that she noticed.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"I bought things, for the babies," I
stammered. "And you."
She came for them. Flipping them
around recklessly. Like she couldn't
give a shït, breaking my heart while at
"Which one is mine?" She asked.
"All of them, then decide the one you
will dash out to the babes," I replied.
She smiled. A lovely smile.
"Will you forgive me and accept me
and my gift?" I asked.
"I am cursed with you," she replied and
sat beside me.
"I love you very much," I confessed.
"I know, let's go and change baby
diapers first."
From my house to her house. That was
our new circle of life. None of those
circles led us into a bed though. She
was uptight about that part of our
affair, again.
So I have really learnt a lot about
taking care of babies, the only part I
still have a problem with is
breastfeeding them. I have never tried
that though, I don't have big boobs like
their mom. That's the only part Naza
would never invite me to help her out
with. We did every other thing
together. From changing their diapers
to singing them to sleep.
We finally gave them a name. It was on
a bright sunny day and their 2 months
birthday. Chinaza was feeling happy
with herself and every other person
else. Reason was she had a very nice
sleep that night, at my expense though.
I had dealt with the babies midnight
cries while she slept away on her bed
with an earplug to her ear.
"See how beautiful she is looking," she
had chirped while adjusting baby girl's
hair ribbon.
"So do we call her beautiful?" I asked.
"No, what kind of name is that?"
"Then pretty?" I asked again. She shook
her head.
"Call them Bonnie and Clyde," Willie
"God forbid," we shouted in unison.
"Benedict and Scholastica," her mother
"Too churchy," I moaned.
"Call them John and Bull abeg. These
foods and drinks are getting old," Willie
complained, eyeing the food on the
"Fine, we will think about it," Naza
said. Willie got up from the sopha and
made for the steaming food and drinks.
"Let's eat first," he said. Naza moved
the table farther from him.
"No, we will eat after we had thought
out a name for the babies."
Everyone grumbled. Then we sat there,
for over 15 minutes, searching for sexy
names for our beautiful babies. Naza
had allowed nobody else to suggest a
name for them, she would do it herself.
Apparently, it wasn't that easy. 2
months gone and she was still at it. We
were so naive at that parenting of a
thing and worse still, they came in
"We will give you two 10 more minutes
to say something or we will give them
whatever names we like," My father
said finally.
"Yes, 10 minutes," Willie supported,
spinning a bottle of Heineken in his
"Chinecherem, you name the girl and
your wife will name the boy," my
father finalized.
The time started ticking. We had our
eyes on each other. Who would have
thought that an ordinary task of
naming babies could put one in so
much a hot seat.
"Tick- tock" "Tick-tock" "Tick- tock" the
time ticked and then 12 minutes gone,
we had 2 minutes grace.
"So, are you ready?" he asked again.
The ladies around were laughing out at
our anxiety. We nodded.
"1 – 2 – 3 – Go!" Willie called.
"Chinaza," I snapped and Naza followed
it up with "Chinecherem."
"Good, now we can eat, " Willie said
and reached for the table. Everyone
followed suit. I and Naza kept staring at
each other, like we needed to verify if
we had chosen the right names. Willie
took a long drag of the green bottle and
smirked his lips.
"Ehe, what did you say their names
were again?" he asked.
"Star and lager," Chinaza answered
with a hiss.
To be continued

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