Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 59 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 59

We were at the hospital. Only my
father knew how I managed to get Naza
there. I mean my father in heaven not
my daddy.
I had managed to throw a singlet over
my body and wore a short that shape
had forced me too. I had lifted Naza
and was insisting on taking her to the
hospital wearing only my boxers.
We kept pacing the hospital hallway, I
and Shape. We had been over 1 hour at
it before Willie and Chinelo joined us.
The tensile atmosphere didn't stop
Shape from rolling her eyes at him and
letting out a loud hiss. She then walked
far away from where he was.
"What happened?" he asked me,
ignoring Shape's drama. Chinelo was
already tugging at my hands. I was
tempted to give him the full gist, I was
really bleeped and in a frantic mode
but then, I couldn't explain that
Chinaza fainted when she saw me and
Shape on each other, not when Chinelo
was there.
"She came into my room and fainted. I
don't know how or why but she just
slumped to the floor," I explained.
"Chim o," Chinelo gasped and threw her
hands on her head. "Where is she
"Inside, the doctor is with her, they
said we should stay out."
"And is she awake yet?" Willie asked
"I don't know, that what they are
trying to do I think."
It was a hell of a situation. Naza had
slumped at my former lodge. I had no
business being there and she too had no
business being there. She had caught
me and Shape in a position we had no
business being in. The situation was
indeed one hell of a situation.
Chinelo called her Mom in an instant
and then the pacing continued with me
doing the longest milage. Chinelo kept
her eyes on Willie and ensured he
maintained a certain distance from
shape. Not like Shape cared. She wasn't
even going to look at him.
Over 30 minutes later, my folks came.
Daddy and mummy and along with
Naza's folks too.
We walked into her ward and she was
just there, seated on her bed and was
biting the hell out of her lips, her
hands on her waist. I was live on
"Maybe she broke her hips on the
floor," I thought to myself. I hadn't
even considered the baby in her belly.
How naive of me that was. I wasn't
inconsiderate or insensitive. I was just
too small to know any ish about a
pregnant woman, forget that I wasn't
too small to put it in there in the first
place. Then there was a rumor about
an impending labor and then Naza
pissed herself. It was so obvious, the
water tickling down the bedspread and
Naza's restlessness increasing by the
minute. I walked up to her, I was
guessing she was in so much pain to
bear a malice with me. I held her hand
but I was wrong. She brushed my
hands off and stood on the floor
"I'm bleeped," I muttered under my
breath and moved back to stare from
It wasn't a pretty sight and I just stared
from a distance with Willie and the
two father's with us. Shape was no
where to be found. Naza would scream
her head off if she dared come closer.
"She fainted in your room?" My father
asked me in a pitiful tone. I nodded.
"Your room?" he repeated and I got the
gist too late.
"We were as in. I went to collect some
things and she and we.. " I stammered
incoherently and he kept giving me
that dehumanizing stare.
"Was the party at your lodge or
William's lodge?" he asked me.
A lot of explanations followed. We
didn't get to conclude before
preliminaries were done and Naza was
bundled into the labor room. Things
dragged on for a long while, a very
long space of time in which I said my
first prayer for months. I prayed she
make it out of that freaking room alive.
I wasn't scared of what her folks would
say or do, I was just scared for myself.
What I would do should anything
happen to her. I was going to jump off
the second floor of that hospital
building. Yes, that was what I intended
Everyone was on their nerves end.
Somehow, a lot of delay had to take
place, a lot of technical jargons was
involved, jargons which I only
understood the part that said my Naza
was still alive. Then the doctor and his
team disappeared.
Nobody slept into the night. My father
and her father had left. Willie was
there, Nelo too. I had asked Shape to go
home. Her presence there was freaking
every one out and would also freak
Naza out if she woke up and see her
5 am, I was seated at the hospital's
lounge and nodding away. Willie was
already sleeping away with Nelo's head
on his laps. He thought the whole place
was boring. So many beautiful Chica
nurses to look at but no access to them
because his other half was there with a
leash on him.
6:35 am and we were all brought in to
her ward. My mom and her mom
taking the lead. My feet dragged from
guilt and tiredness as we all flocked
into her room. She was lying there on
the bed, looking exhausted and the
hospital cradle was by her side, the
baby cries filling the whole of it. I saw
the smile break out on my mother's
face as Naza mom put her hands to her
chest in a deep show of emotion. I think
she actually cried or was close to. I kept
staring at the cradle from a afar like it
was my semester result. I couldn't get
closer because my heart was pounding
and I didn't know why.
"Hei, come and see Chinecherem junior
o!" Nelo yelled, digging her hands into
the cradle. Her mother hushed her.
"Do you want to infect him?" She said
and I frowned. A him? Apparently,
Naza had won. Willie rushed at the
baby and smiled. He turned to me and
"No dispute bro. This one is yours.
Carbon copy."
I turned to Naza with a pitiful look in
my face. I felt like I needed her
permission to see the baby. I had hurt
her deeply and something was telling
me that she would shush me away
from the kid. She threw her face to the
wall, away from my eyes. Soon,
everyone was all over her,
congratulating and asking how she was
doing. Only Nelo threw a
congratulation at me. I took the chance
and sneaked up to the cradle.
It was the most beautiful thing I had
ever seen. Clean as crystal and
handsome like his father, his mother's
skin. He was a neat ball of human
flesh, the most beautiful boy I had ever
seen. Maybe it was because he was
mine. I didn't care. He was the most
beautiful by his father's standard, by
my own very standard. Yes! I was the
father. I fell in love immediately and
was nearly moved to tears. I was the
lawful owner of a living thing. I am
the father to a handsome baby boy. I
was the daddy to my sweetheart's son. I
loved the feeling. The thrill was
"I love you," I murmured.
"Please stay away from him," Naza said
at me. Everyone went quiet for a split
second. Then Chinelo asked "Why?"
My heart thumbed.
"Nothing, just stay away from my
baby," she repeated.
My father came in at that instance and
her father too. They had been called up
the moment we were ushered into the
room. You could easily see the
happiness in both their faces. The baby
was beautiful and I thought giving Naza
the unwanted pregnancy was worth it
after all. I just thought it, I didn't say it
And then the doctor walked in with the
matron, a baby wrapped in a fluffy
white towel in her arms and a broad
smile on her face. I watched with
confusion all over me. So did everyone
else except Naza.
"The second one. A beautiful baby girl,"
the woman said and my jaw dropped.
"Wait, from where? Did you store them
in a warehouse?" My father asked.
Everyone laughed and then fell on the
baby girl as she was laid near her
brother. They were twins. It was like
Christmas. Naza and I both got the
present we wished for. The girl was an
improved version of her brother. I was
guessing she would be more beautiful
than Naza. Naza was smiling this time
around and she didn't stop even when
stole a glance from her.
"Who came first?" I asked, lost in Joy.
"The boy," the woman said. I smiled.
"Naza I hope your breast is ready?"
Nelo asked and ran to her on the bed.
The laughter was in her eyes but not
her face.
"Congratulations," the doctor said,
holding his hand out to my father. My
father picked it up in a firm
handshake. "It wasn't easy, your wife
is really a strong one and your twins
are beautiful," he said. My father
snatched his hadn't away and I tool the
doctor's hand without being offered, a
broad smile on my face.
"Thank you," I sang out and everyone
"Why are you all just looking? Carry
them, they don't have teeth yet and
won't bite," the doctor said and
everyone scampered for the little doves.
My mother got the boy and Naza's
mother got the girl. Nelo and Willie
were all over the them with camera
Everyone was happy, fully happy
except I and Naza. We were happy but
not as much as we ought to be. I messed
up and the babies were welcomed
between two feuding parents.
Nevertheless, they were very beautiful
and everyone loved them. And then my
father drew closer to me. Somehow, I
just knew he was going to misyarn.
"So the work is split in two. I buy one
pampers and you buy the other one,"
he whispered. Everyone heard and
everyone laughed. I and Naza
"Hmmm hmmm," Naza's father cleared
his throat and turned to Nelo and
Willie. "When are you two having
"If you try that rubbish eh!" My mom
To be continued

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