Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 44 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 44

She made me a nice indomie and added
Amstel Malt to it and made me cum it
all out almost immediately. And then I
continued my search.
As an Estate Manager, I was learning to
have eyes on properties with very good
potentials and this discipline I spread
out to other endeavors of my life, like
girls with potentials of being very
beautiful with the right touch. I found
one around my faculty. I loved her
instantly and her figure was the
numero 8. She wore some casual type
of dresses that hid her assets but a
nigga like me knew she had them and I
went for her. She was dark tho but I
didn't mind. Chinaza won't deliver
anytime soon and Eva was getting
I walked up to her one day. She seemed
quiet and the type you could easily
force a smile out of.
"Cynthia?" I called her and she looked
at me with a frown.
"Sorry, shey your name is Cynthia?" I
asked. I didn't even know her name but
that was better than walking up to a
girl and asking for her name straight
She shook her head and continued
giving me the "Do-I-Know-You" look.
"Sorry, I thought it was your name," I
said and sat beside her.
"What is that your name again?" I
"Why do you ask?"
"Well, I thought I knew you from
somewhere but maybe I am wrong but
if I knew your name then I won't call
you something else. Or should I give
you a name?" I asked. She nodded with
a smile.
"Beauty," I said and she laughed.
"See, you are blushing already," I said.
More laughter from her. Nice, we were
blending in.
"What is your own name?" she asked
after she had stopped laughing.
"Beast. Call me beast like beauty and
the beast."
She started again, Jeez, I didn't even
know I was that funny. Few minutes
after, I was abandoning my lecture and
following her to hers. Nobody was
surprised, everyone knew I had that
player factor in me. Eva was inviting
me over with her eyes but I was a
bachelor. I have no business with
married women.
So inside that lecture hall, I was the
odd one out. Everyone seemed to be
understanding except me. Well I kept
myself busy with Beauty's fingers. She
let me have them and I loved holding
onto it. She knew how to smile and I
loved girls like that and by the time the
class ended, we were two meters away
from being couples. Yes, I had that
"So will you be coming to school
tomorrow?" I asked and she shook her
head. I myself had classes the next day
but I was willing to sacrifice it all for
"Maybe you should come around to my
place, see how I live?"
"I don't know if I will have the
chance," she replied.
"Don't worry, you will. Can I have
your number?" I asked and popped out
my Nokia torch. It rang almost
immediately and Queen was written on
the caller interface. I hid it away from
her and busied the call. Chinaza had
this attitude of showing up when she
was not needed. I had barely opened up
my dialer when her call came in again,
haa, Chinaza! I busied it again and
took Beauty's numbers before Naza will
come and call again.
"My name is Chidimma," she said and I
stored the number with Mma, an
equivalent of Beauty in Igbo. I am
always right. I forced a hug out of her
and we embraced deeply. I watched her
go, swaying her fine hips out of my
very face. I shook my head and turned
to go. Another call from my queen
came in. I picked.
"Baby yo, how are you doing?" I yelled
into the speaker, garnering some
attention from around.
"I am not doing anything, why have
you been cutting my calls?"
"I was in the class sweetheart, sorry."
"Sorry nke gi, come and open the door
for me abeg."
"Naza are you in my lodge?" I asked.
"No I am in your house," she replied
and cut the call. Did I mention that
Naza had the attitude of showing up
when she was not needed?
Chinaza was there at my door looking
like she came for a fight. I wasn't
expecting anything less since it took
close to 1 hr and dozens of missed calls
for me to get to her. You can't blame
me, I had to intercept at least 5 girls on
my way back. They were all old
acquaintances so no new chic. Shape
wasn't in and everywhere was as dry as
harmattan air.
"You look beautiful," I started with my
flattery, I needed her to smile. I was not
in the mood to be lashed on.
"Where have you been?" she started
slowly as was usual with her. If you
don't know Naza and happen to Judge
her with her tone, then you are in for
something hotter than hell.
"Baby don't be angry, I forgot my bag
at school," I said and she frisked me
with her eyes, flapping her naturally
long eyelashes in an enticing way.
"So where is the bag?"
"I didn't say I went back to bring it, did
I?" my lie had hooked me in my throat.
I had miscalculated. I didn't even have
a school bag.
"So what took you long if you didn't go
back for the bag?"
"Naza leave me alone, if you hadn't lost
the key I gave you, you would have just
come in and relaxed," I grumbled, she
kept quiet to my surprise. I opened the
door and we went in. I closed the
curtains and hugged her, the pregnancy
creating a little obstruction for me but
it didn't stop me from kissing her. She
returned the kisses.
"Hmm, this one you are allowing me to
touch you anyhow?" I asked and she
smiled weakly.
"I don't have strength for your
arguments joor."
I led her to the bed and she sat on it. I
got her a can of malt from the fridge.
She took it without a thank you and
got me to open it for her.
"Are you hungry?" I asked and she
"Do I cook indomie for you?"
"Anything is ok," she murmured and
fell back on the bed. I switched on the
TV for her and ran into my little
kitchen. Something within me was
signaling me that Naza was going to
reject that indomie and ask for
something else, maybe Pizza. So I
opened one packet of indomie and
dipped it into the boiling water.
Sprayed the seasoning on it and
covered the pot. A bachelor's way of
cooking noodles.
I fell back into the room and into her
arms. We watched the tv silently while
rubbing each others hands. It was
soothing in a way and I realized how
much I had missed her.
15 minutes later, the smell of burning
noodles in the kitchen jilted us.
"Chinecherem, the indomie is burning,"
Naza called, slapping me up from her
laps. I jumped up and jumped my way
into the kitchen. The indomie had
burned but not that much.
"Baby it's only browned, there's not
much burning on it," I told her.
"I know, put that one in a plate for
yourself and cook another one for me.
It's not good for the baby to be eating
burned food."
I hissed and did as commanded. I had
no choice. A new packet of indomie
and a new burning of gas, life with
Naza is sweet but hardly easy. I was
just out of the kitchen when Shape
walked into my room, making noise
with Chinaza and bouncing her boobs
and booty all over the place. They did
their girly greetings, sweetheart and
sweet names flying all over the place,
one would have thought they were a
bunch of lesbians. Then shape asked.
"Hey, something nice is smelling. Neche
what are you cooking?"
"I am boiling water. She wants to take
her bath," I answered.
"Hmm, this water that smells like
"Don't mind him, he burnt the first one
and he is cooking another one," Naza
"Hey, baby how many are you cooking,
I hope it will be enough for all of us?"
Shape asked, cuddling close to me, all
"It's just one o."
"Make it two naa, eh sweetheart," she
said, giving me one of those seductive
look and smile.
"Make it three," Willie called from
outside, coming into the room with
Shape's handbag. Shape rolled her eyes
at him and faced me again. I and Naza
just stared wide eyed at Willie. Neither
of us knew that shape had been with
"What are you doing here?" I asked my
"What is she doing here?" he asked me,
pointing at Chinaza.
"I came to see my baby daddy," Naza
"Ehe, me I came to see my baby
mama," Willie said and we all
"So what are you making two?" Willie
"So you didn't even know and you were
asking for three?" Chinaza asked. I was
becoming quiet. With the way things
were turning out, the afternoon lunch
was going to be on my account. I
simply lacked the appetite to talk.
"Tell me naa, maybe I will even add my
own," he said.
"Baby, we are cooking Indomie," shape
said and eyed me. I kept wondering
where she got that we from.
"Okay, then make it five, three for me,"
Willie finally declared and then from
nowhere, James came in with his books
yelling make it seven. At this point, it
took the man in me to stop me from
crying. I merely sniffed. Everyone
laughed because they thought it was
funny. I was in this mood when I heard
a familiar sexy voice at my door say
"Make it 8,". We all turned to the door
and Chinecherem was there, looking
like Miss Unizik, fresh, succulent and
We all shot her daggers with our
various eyes but I think shape shot her
"I forgot my Bible," she protested and
before she was done explaining why
she came back, the second packet of
Indomie burned.
To be continued

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