Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 43 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 43

"So Emelum meet my people," I
muttered, ushering her into the room.
There was nothing else I could do.
Chinecherem just attached herself to my
arms while I introduced her.
"Meet Willie, he is my elder brother," I
said and Willie passed her a drunk
"This one is shape sorry, Chinaza. Our
very good friend." shape said hello and
waved. Chinemelum smiled back.
"And this one is James, my friend. I
think he is your brother." Everyone
laughed. "And this one here is my kid
sister, Chinecherem."
Everyone threw me that shocked look.
Willie just smiled. He prolly knew that
a niggar will say anything to keep his
game tight.
"Keep quiet," I hushed Chinecherem as
she tried to protest. I wasn't going to
mess up what I was building with
Chinemelum over some quickie I had
with her back at school.
"And guys, this is Chinemelum, James
last born," I capped the introduction."
"As in, James born am and she is his
last child?" Willie asked, dropping the
bottle of beer on the floor.
"No, her mother's last born," I
"Wooo, James your sister is so cute,"
Shape exclaimed and she blushed.
Chinecherem left me and went back to
her seat beside James. She held onto
him and threw her face out of my eyes.
I understood she was trying to maybe
get me jealous but I had never been
"I hope you have not been talking to
him," Shape asked Chinemelum
pointing at me.
"What for?" I asked in protest.
"Well, he is sort of everything that
your brother is," she said and those
who understood her meaning laughed.
I wouldn't let shape finish what
Chinecherem started so I dragged
Chinemelum out of the room before she
rubbishes whatever goodwill I had left.
"Did I mention that Chinecherem is my
junior sister?" I asked her as we made
our way out of the streams of human
beings to a secluded spot. A spot close
to where I had vomited last night.
"Yes you did, are you twins?" she asked.
"No, why do you ask?"
"You both bear the same name."
"What? We do?" I asked, frisking my
memory for a lie. She nodded.
"Well, I always give people I care about
my name as a pet name," I lied. A
terrible lie but she didn't complain.
"So what is her own name?" she asked
as I squeezed her fingers.
"You can call her Chinecherem Junior
for now."
She nodded and I smiled. Straight to
why I called her out. I was looking for
the words to describe what I wanted to
say, I found none. Something inside me
was telling me to hold it on until I
have had something to drink, maybe a
boost of my morale would help but
then, I wanted to seize that
opportunity. Her little pink lips was
giving me a technical knockout and so I
much wanted to attach my lips to
"You owe me a kiss right?" I asked all
of a sudden. She smiled and nodded.
"You have nice lips and you are
beautiful too," I stated and brought up
her face to my eye level. The white of
her eyes were bright like the clouds.
"The first time I saw you, I liked
everything about you and I fell in love
with you and I was hoping you will
like me too."
I didn't wait for her to tell me if she
did or not. I brought her closer and our
lips clicked. Her lips did taste like
strawberry but I have to confess that
she was quite inexperienced at that art
of kissing. She let her teeth get in the
way and my tongue usually met a dead
end with the teeth. I wished I could
teach her how to do it properly but
time happened to be a luxury we
couldn't afford.
I upped the romance and pinned her
against me. Both our eyes shut, we put
in our everything into that kiss, my
hands frisking her lower part of the
body while she just stood like a tree. I
have never been so frustrated kissing a
girl but I let it slide, her beauty was
enough to compensate me. I only left it
at kissing.
I walked back into the room and she
walked back to her plates. I was
guessing we were both happy but I
wasn't much satisfied. She had
awakened that urge in me and I needed
to quench it. I prayed Chinecherem
would even look my way. I was only
going to beg for an experienced kiss.
Our room empty when I got back in
and it wasn't so hard to guess where
they had all gone. An oriental music
was blasting away out the front of the
house. I walked out there and met them
killing it on the dance floor. A drunk
Willie taking the lead while the bride
groom dabbed after him. The bride was
at the corner laughing her day away. I
fell into rhythm and found myself
behind shape. It was a free for all
dance and we enjoyed it like you would
enjoy an awoof. The dance floor was lit
and money flew at us like hailstorm.
Shape didn't conceal her backside from
me as she let me have it all. She rocked
me out of space and nearly opened my
tap of jizz but I wasn't a one minute
man, thanks to that. Then, along came
Chinecherem with her perfect ass, she
still nursed her grudge but she couldn't
resist the guy in me, the one that was
driving her crazy. She came at me with
full force and I let her in. She stooped
with her backside on my crotch and I
stooped after her. She made a 360°
whine and I followed suit, then we did
a repeat and another repeat followed
by more repetitions. She then turned to
face me and was coming for a kiss
when the music ended. I stopped her
and we all fell out of the dance floor
back into our rooms. Drinks came out
and we went down on them.
Somehow, someway, a bottle of life
managed to find it's way into
Chinecherem's hand. She had drained
half of the bottle before we ever took
notice. Shape was going to hammer her
but Willie stepped in for her, he said
after all, it was for the last time. So we
let her finish the one bottle she had
opened, which wasn't easy as Willie
had downed three bottles while she was
still battling with one. Me, I was only
busy trying to figure out what I was
going to do with Chinemelum.
She crawled to where I was and sat
beside me, her hands on my lap. I'v
always known how dangerous a drunk
girl can be but I too was drunk and had
forgotten about that.
"Do you want more?" I asked and being
as tipsy as she was, she took the drink
from my hand and gulped it, choked on
it and threw up half of it across the
"Chinecherem!" shape yelled. I was
confused on which Chinecherem she
was actually yelling. She rushed at us
and snatched the bottle from her hand.
I don't know, maybe I was expecting
her to smash the bottle on the floor,
well, she gulped the rest of it's content.
I was midway into laughing at her
when Chinecherem shut me up with a
kiss. In the full glare of everyone.
Worst still, Chinemelum was standing
at the door, our foods in a tray she was
carrying. I can't say that I hated the
kiss but it came at a wrong time.
Eating replaced the tongue lashing that
would have followed but not without
Shape stuffing Chinecherem in between
her and Willie, she was trying to secure
her from me. If only she knew that
Willie was more threat than I was.
Well shaa, what is my own in it.
Chinemelum was a bad kisser but I still
liked her like that. She was too
beautiful to be faulted and James was
eyeing me with threats of poison if I
ever followed her out again. I think he
was glad that Chinemelum caught
Chinecherem kissing me. Well, if I had
a sister like her, I don't think I would
threaten James with poison over her, I
would just poison him without
Sorry for the delay folks, have been
busy at everything and Chinaza called
me that she was already on labor and
felt like the baby would drop on the
floor any moment soon. Well, I got to
her lodge and she told me she was only
joking, she wanted to know how much I
cared and also needed me to buy
banana for her at the junction that led
into her lodge. The pregnancy was only
6 months gone. I don't blame her, the
fault was mine for not counting.
Well, all was not lost at that wedding
shaa. Willie drove them home but not
after I had secretly gotten that perfect
kiss from Chinecherem. The rest of the
evening was spent brushing my skin
against Chinemelum, telling each other
the tales of our lives and the icing on
the cake was that James was around,
teasing us. Well it was all convenient
because he had landed himself a heavy
girl earlier at the wedding. She was one
of his sister's ashebi girls and she was
beautiful but not my kind of beautiful.
So he was happy and had forgotten
totally about the poison thing.
Chinemelum drank a glass of the gold
slug and got tipsy. She made me teach
her how to kiss and she was a slow
learner but she did learn and I was
glad to teach her. A bit of fingering
happened in our room, while James
was away. She was wet all over. I
couldn't bring myself to shag her. I
thought she was too beautiful to be
used by someone like me. Neither of us
slept. We spent the rest of the night
talking nonsense. Two drunk lovers,
sitting under a canopy, hidden in the
darkness and sharing one mug of palm
wine. If I ended up finding nothing of
interest in that town, Chinemelum
made up for all of them. I had hopes.
She wrote jamb and unlike my baby
bear, she passed well and was hopeful.
She wanted to join her brother in
Unizik and when I told her I was
schooling there too, she then made it
two reasons she must be in unizik. I
was like Chinaza prepare o, you are
about to have a rival.
Straight to the gossip of the day. Eva
was getting married. Please check the
calendar. It's not April 1. Evangeline is
bleeping getting married. I don't think
she was trying to get back at me or
whatever. She had shown me the guy
and he was cute. He had cash and I was
looking forward to my bang mates
wedding. She didn't invite me though.
She told me but she wasn't going to
invite me.
"So now that you are gone from me,
who will do me the way you use to do
me?" I asked her the day we were
smooching in my room. Shape wasn't
around to interrupt.
"I don't know but shebi you know I
won't cheat on him. He is so cute and a
darling," she said to me and pecked me
out of excitement. She was deliberately
avoiding my lips. She was getting
married and so was trying to put a stop
to our adventure. I couldn't wait for
Chinaza to deliver, with Chinecherem
gone and Eva getting married, there
was no one else to Bleep. I needed a
new girl and I set out in search for one.
It wasn't like I was going around the
whole place with a placard on my
chest advertising for a girlfriend
vacancy. I just kept my eyes open.
Exams were fast approaching and I
found myself reading in bits from time
to time. On a given day, I was deceiving
myself in the library, flipping through
my Facebook and my handouts as well.
Then along came Cynthia, looking
wonderful, I noticed that Cynthia was
like the devil, you could only resist her
in prayers but not in real life. I invited
her to sit with me. She was shinning in
her natural states. She came to read as
well so we read each other.
"Where have you been?" I asked and
she smiled.
"Have you been looking for me?" she
asked and I nodded. She smiled again.
"But you don't like inviting me to your
"Well, my girl is unpredictable, she can
even walk in here now," I said.
"Well, you should come to my lodge."
I thought about it, it seemed nice but I
was comfortable in home matches
where the pitch is mine and I was
conversant with the terrain. Cynthia
was a play girl no doubt and her body
count might even make mine weep and
I didn't need a repeat of that night at
that muscled guy's house where I
preached my konji away.
I decided I may like that shag her for a
night but I shouldn't keep her as a
regular girl. And that was what I did.
To be continued

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