Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 38 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 38

My brother is the most useful brother
one can ever have. All I needed was a
WhatsApp Chat and Willie was more
than willing to invite Shape to his
school. If you had shape as a girlfriend,
trust me, you would want to invite her
everyday. And if you had a boyfriend
like Willie, trust me, you will never
refuse his invite especially when I
found out he took more than 50k for
that his tuxedo. I am the only broke
playboy in our family as it is.
"She is 18 years old, I think she can
take care of herself. But if you asked
us, we are more than willing to help." I
told Shape and turned to James who
nodded in agreement.
"The two of you?" she asked looking at
the both of us. We nodded.
"I will rather keep her in a brothel."
"Good, keep her there naa, it's the two
of us that will still go and visit her
there," James said. We all laughed.
She didn't have a choice, she left to
visit Willie and Chinecherem stayed
back. Under both our cares actually.
She was here for her Jamb so we
thought we might as well teach her a
thing or two.
So it wasn't until shape left that we
came to realize that she wasn't our
only problem. We had forgotten about
our ownership fight. Apparently, we
couldn't share her.
"Don't worry, Just give me 2 weeks and
then you can have her," James offered.
I smiled and shook my head.
"You want me to insert my preek the
same place you have inserted that your
prick you have been scratching since,
no way bro."
"So what do we do, I don't like a type
of 3some where there is only one girl,"
he said and I shook my head.
"Me too, I don't like it."
We sat facing the T.v in silence, I was
contemplating on leaving her for
James, that way, if he takes her out,
then I can tag along as an observer and
he would have to pay for the 3 of us. It
was shaping to be an excellent idea
until Chinecherem walked into the
room clutching her Jamb past question.
She wore this gown, skimpy gown that
highlighted her curvitude and sexy
body. Her jugs jiggled as she walked in,
a pretty smile on her shinning face. I
changed my mind instantly.
"I need help with my maths," she said,
looking at me first and then at James.
"We are busy, stay there and wait,"
James answered her, pointing to the
reading chair. She obeyed and I turned
to James.
"What if we did try your luck?" I asked
him and Chinecherem turned to us.
"For what?" She asked.
"We are not talking to you, wait until
we finish," I snapped and returned to
facing James. He nodded and I picked a
paper and pen. I tore the paper into 2
and on one I wrote "She's mine" and on
the other I wrote "I lost her". I
squeezed them and shook my head.
"The things we do for girls," I
murmured and squeezed one more than
the other.
"I will pick first," I protested and James
shook his head violently. We argued
back and forth and Chinecherem
watched us, drooling with laughter,
oblivious of the fact that the fight was
over her.
"It was me that brought the idea and it
was also me that wrote it so I'm
supposed to choose first," I argued and
James thought about it. The argument
seemed to hold water to him so he
obliged me. Like a hitman, I made my
pick and he made his.
"Nooo, you cheated," James yelled and I
laughed, apparently I had won the girl
but James thought otherwise. Another
argument ensued and Chinecherem
continued laughing at the drama. If
only she knew we were deciding her
fate right there.
Another amicable agreement came.
James was to rewrite it. He did and,
what were you expecting?. He won.
We went back and forth and our bone
of contention watched us thinking it
was all funny.
"Guy, you know you are my guy,
almost my bro," James started and I just
eyed him with my hand on my cheek.
"Just let me have this one."
I shook my head in disagreement.
"Ok, see what will happen," I said and
he watched me anxiously.
"Let's ask her."
"Ask her what?"
"The one she wants," I said giving him
signs with my eyes.
"No, I don't trust her," he said.
"Me too," I replied. So we sat there,
observing our minute of silence,
thinking and hoping for solution when
James' eyes went to door and a
triumphant smile crept out of his fine
face. I followed the direction of his
gaze and my eye met that of my Baby
mama standing at my door.
Apparently, I have lost the conquest.
She just stood there looking so elegant.
The pregnancy removed nothing from
her beauty, it rather added a sort of
sexy appeal to her radiant skin and
made her saucy. Chinaza was just on
fleek as she stood at my door that day
but then, I would have loved to have
me some Chinecherem.
She gave Chinecherem that look she
normally gives me each time she gives
me a head and I refuse to return the
favor. Very deadly look.
"Who is she?" she asked, it was actually
her first word on entering my room.
Her eyes was roving from Chinecherem
to me.
"Aunty don't you remember me?"
Chinecherem asked. I assumed the
Aunty calmed her. She sized her up
again and shook her head.
"She is shape's sister," I added.
"Who is shape?" Chinaza asked, facing
"Who else do you know that I know
that has the potentials to be called
"Oh okay, Chinaza? You are
Chinecherem right?" she asked, facing
her. She nodded and that ended it. I
don't think it stopped her from
suspecting that I may have an extra
friendly business with her.
Chinaza walked up to me on the bed
and made a sit out of my laps. I didn't
mind cos her ass was all soft and cosy
only that she developed a little bit of
James was already colonizing
Chinecherem with immediate alacrity
and I was just fuming. Chinaza doesn't
know when she is needed. I would have
told her but I doubt if was a good idea.
But then, whatever, Chinaza even
looked better than her, I am not hating
shaa. But then, there is something
about all these new Secondary school
graduates that adds the veins to my
Shaa shaa, things fell into place,
slowly. Chinaza in my arms
complaining endlessly about waist pain
and wanting to go out and relax. James
sweet talking Chinecherem and she
looking endlessly at me and Chinaza.
Something was telling me that she
envied Chinaza's position and may
want to make a switch and I would
have loved that. At least, her maths
tutorial didn't seem like it would
happen which was better for me, I had
lost touch with the mathematical side
of me and James love for mathematics
was inversely proportional with my
love for fine girls.
"Did you cook?" Shape asked and
Chinecherem scoffed. Even Chinaza was
smiling mischievously. She obviously
knew that cooking for me was next to
reading my books without any
upcoming exam or quiz in my list of
"I'm hungry," she said after getting that
Bleep you look from me.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked,
rubbing at her tummy and having her
smile up at me.
"Lemme buy indomie," I said, trying to
move her away from me. She refused
and shook her head.
"What is indomie, is that what the baby
will use and be Strong?"
"What do you want naa?"
"Take me out," she snapped and my
head cracked like a coconut.
"I know a restaurant around here that
sells cheap and interesting food,"
Chinecherem Chipped in.
"Yes, and they have the right food for
pregnant women," James supplemented
her. I shot them two live bullets with
my eyes and frowned. Chinecherem was
smiling sheepishly, I wondered what
gave that small girl the right to talk
among men. James was giving me that
his wicked grin. I hissed.
"When married men are talking,
bachelors and spinsters should mind
their business," I said and everyone
laughed, except me, it was my Pocket
money that they are trying to divide
into three after all.
"Baby please," Chinaza begged with a
look that would make you buy her the
whole of Mr Biggs but then, I don't
even have the money to buy her a
mama put.
"I don't have money," I begged back.
She didn't believe me.
"Baby, please," she continued.
"I don't have money," I repeated.
"So I and the baby should remain
hungry naa," she snapped.
"But I offered to cook indomie."
"It's not good for the baby abeg, he
needs solid food."
"Is the baby complaining?" I asked. She
eyed me angrily, I don't know if she
was serious with the anger or she was
just pretending but she was still lying
on my body so I assumed the anger
wasn't serious.
"Maybe we should go to the woman
outside the gate, she even have 100
naira a plate food," Chinecherem
continued with her suggestions while
Naza kept nodding.
"100 naira food won't do us naa,"
James added and Chinaza nodded again.
"We? as in, who are the we?" I asked,
gathering as many frowns as my face
would allow me.
"Us, all of us. We are hungry too,"
Chinecherem answered.
"Do you see any breast on me?" I asked
and she shook her head, a good deal of
confusion registered on her beautiful
"Why do you ask?" she asked me.
"Well, is like you are mistaking me for
your mother."
Again, everyone laughed except me.
Then like a storm, Shape breezed in,
dragging her ass in and Willie behind
her ass.
"Hey, the latest couple in town,
Welcome," Chinecherem clapped.
Everyone kept quiet and turned to her.
The surprise was on everyone's face.
"Ar ar, I know these two guys don't
smoke and no one in this lodge smokes
so I am wondering who gave you the
weed that is pushing you like this,"
Shape asked.
"Ask her o," James said. Me, I was just
looking, how can someone be so
mouthed. She hadn't even been up to 3
weeks around and she's already sweet
on everybody, even Willie that she just
met. A very naughty side of me saw in
a vision, a 3some involving me and
James hovering over her head like the
holy spirit.
To be continued

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