Trauma season 2 episode 9 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 2 episode 9

* * *
The class became as silent as a grave
yard. Everyone waited for me to
make a decision. I felt very happy
deep inside coz I was going to
atleast do something painful to Joy
but I knew she would later come to
fight me. I glanced at her direction.
She had braided her hair, and I knew
knocking her wouldn’t be painful, so
I decided to flog her.
“Becky!” the literature teacher
“Ma, I choose flogging.”
“Wonderful!” she exclaimed and
ordered Joy to come out and kneel
infront of the class which she did
while I picked up the long big cane
that was on top of Queen’s table and
advanced towards Joy who while
kneeling down was giving me looks
to kill. The teacher asked me to land
her three strokes of the cane on her
Omo! Come see as I use swag dey
flog person. I hit her very hard with
the cane, making her shout and her
voice echoing and reverberating on
the walls of the class.
After the flogging and drama that
followed thereafter, the teaching
began. Just like every other day, the
teachers came one after the other
like one stream flowing into another
and there was no chance for
discussion of any sort. We had
biology last period before break and
the teacher asked me to follow her
to the staff room for the extra class
earlier promised.
I came back to the class after break
and we had two more teaching
period before school over…
Soon, it was after school and
immediately the teacher walked out
of the class, Joy rushed to my seat
and pulled me up by my shirt colar
with force. Though I knew it would
inevitably come to that, I was scared
of getting my uniform torned in the
process incase any fight ensued.
“Joy! What’s the meaning of this?” I
“What do you think it is?” she
questioned back. Members of my
class gathered as usual but Queen
just laughed, picked up her school
bag and left the class.
David locked my locker, put the key
in his trouser pocket and came to
stand behind me while Peace stood
behind Joy.
“Let go my uniform,” I said calmly.
“Why did you flog me?”
“Well if you must know, I flogged you
so as to enable you regain back you
lost senses,” I replied.
“Yes! Now let go of my uniform,” I
repeated but surprisingly, she raised
her hand and before I could say
anything, landed me a resounding
slap. I couldn’t bear it, so I pushed
her backwards forcefully and also
landed her a slap on both cheeks.
“That’s alright,” David pleaded,
holding me from behind While
Peace held Joy.
“Allow them to fight,” Some
members of my class chanted but
David ignored me. Picked up my
biology textbook which he had
removed from my locker and his
notepad, then led me out of the
class. Joy wanted following us but I
guess Peace prevented her from
doing so…
David and I didn’t say anything to
anyone till we were outside the
school compound.
“Thanks for not allowing me fight.
Atleast I’m happy I doubled the slap
she gave me,” I said as we walked
along our normal route.
“She won’t give up anytime soon but
don’t worry I know what to do,”
David smiled.
“What will you do?”
“Relax and keep calm.”
“Hmm! Okay o, will you be at home
today?” I asked.
“Yes, why?”
“My mom want to come see your
father and I thought of coming with
“Wow! That means you missed me?”
David grinned.
“I didn’t.”
“It’s a lie, you did.”
“I said I didn’t.”
“Becky say the truth and shame the
“David, I did not miss you.”
David sighed. “Okay, no problem.”
“Good,” I said. Deep down my heart, I
knew I missed him but I didn’t just
want to admit it so it won’t lead to
something else.
Soon David began to smile.
“What’s do you find so amusing?” I
“The kiss, just wish I could get more
of it.”
I smiled too, “David, you should
know that kiss was a mistake, I was
only carried away.”
“Yea, a mistake but you enjoyed it
and that’s why you couldn’t reject
nor stop me.”
I didn’t want to argue with him, so I
asked instead. “What did your sister
“About?” he glanced at me.
“Come on, don’t pretend, the kiss of
course,” I hit him playfully.
David’smile widened, “She said we
shouldn’t talk about that on our way
back from school.”
“It’s a lie.”
“Do I look like a liar to you?
I hissed and collected my textbook
from him.
“Won’t you ask me how I knew you’d
be reading biology tonight?” he
asked but I ignored him. Just then, as
we reached the tarred road and was
about crossing to the path that
would lead to our house, I sighted
Queen who ran towards us,
surprising me.
When she reached where we stood,
she held David’s hand. “I want to
come to your house today, David!”
she said, bre
athing heavily from the
short race she had just done…

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