Trauma season 1 episode 6 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 6

David stared at me without smiling.
“What’s that?” he asked with a
“What did you say?” I asked.
“What did you hear me say?
“Are you serious about it?”
“Does it look like I’m joking?”
“David!!!” I called.
“Becky!!!” he called too.
“Stop this na, okay I’ll drink,” I said
and collected the glass from him,
sipped a little and handed it back to
him but he just folded his arms and
watched me. I understood the look,
so I raised the glass to my lips again
and drank but this time, I didn’t stop
till the juice was half in the glass,
then I dropped the glass.
David smiled, “Do you really think
drinking will make me not to kiss
“You’re silly,” I laughed.
He laughed too, “But you sef, you
almost finished my juice o,” he said
and stood up, then moved
I stood up too and moved towards
him, “How dare you, if you don’t run
now, I’ll break your head,” I said and
he started running while I ran after
him. Soon we were running round
the garden till I tripped and fell on
the carpet grass which made David
stop running and rushed to my side.
“Oh sorry,” he squatted beside me
and pulled me up. “You can’t even
run,” he added and laughed.
“Silly,” I frowned and made to stand
up but he held me back and looked
into my eyes. “What now?” I asked,
beginning to feel shy again.
“Please!” he pleaded.
“Please? For what?” I questioned
looking at him too.
He swallowed hard and pulled me up
to stand on my feet. “Nevermind,” he
said and led me back to the chaise
“Dave, what is it you wanted to ask?”
I inquired after we had sat back on
the chaise longue.
“Honestly Becky, I feel very happy
that you visited me for the first time
but…” he paused.
“But what…”
“What na?”
He swallowed hard again and shifted
closer to me, then held my jaw and
pushed his head forward and licked
his lips. Before I could spell JACK
ROBINSON, he covered my lips with
his which sent shivers down my
spine, I could also feel a little bit of
wetness in my pant. To me it was a
whole new experience as he kissed
me. It was my first kiss and though I
enjoyed it, I couldn’t and didn’t even
know how to kiss and that made me
wonder where David learnt that
After a few seconds, he released me
and looked into my eyes. “Thanks.
This my first kiss, I’ll treasure it
forever,” he smiled while I looked
down and glanced at my wristwatch.
“Jeez,” I exclaimed and stood up.
David stood up too. “Your mom?” he
asked and I nodded. “I’m sorry,” he
apologised and I nodded again
because all that was in my mind was
how to get home ASAP.
David held my hand and led me back
inside the house…
I sat on the couch while he ran
upstairs to call his dad.
“Hope he didn’t hurt you?” Kate
“No!” I smiled.
“Good,” she smiled too as Mr Samuel
came downstairs with David
following behind. He had changed to
a pink polo which made me smile
and stand up.
“Be right back,” Kate said and ran
upstairs too.
“Goodevening sir,” I greeted.
“Evening angel, hope you enjoyed
your evening?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” I said and glanced at David
who nodded.
“Good, please tell your mom to make
out time for us to meet,” Mr Samuel
“Okay sir,” I agreed wondering why
he wanted to see my mom.
“Thank you, David will walk you
home. Thanks for coming and David,
be careful,” he concluded and sat on
the couch, then picked up the
television remote.
“Sure sir, your son is capable,” David
saluted and the father laughed.
“Bye sir.”
“Take care Becky.”
David held my hand again and led
me outside…
Outside, we walked quietly towards
the gate but the Kate shouted at us
from the varenda to wait. She had
changed from her tank top to an
orange polo top. Unexpectedly,
David held my hand and ran out of
the gate while she ran after us.
We stopped running at a little
distance outside the compound.
“What was that?” I asked breathing
“Nothing, let’s wait here for her,”
David smiled and pulled me into his
arms. There was power and also
moon light but even though the
security lights of people’s houses
were on, the light from the moon
overshadowed it.
But where David and I stood was a
little bit dark. David circled his hands
around my waist and looked at me
directly in the eyes. “Thanks for
“Same dear,” I said too, feeling very
“I love you Becky,” he confessed. I
didn’t know what to say, so I just
“A goodnight kiss?” he smiled and
before I could say a word, he covered
my lips with his a second time but
unfortunately, his sister was close to
She pointed the light on her phone
at us while David released me and
scratched his head as she now stood
infront of us.
“What were you guys doing?” she
questioned while I began to shiver…

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