Trauma season 2 episode 13 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 2 episode 13

* * *
I looked from Nath to Kate, praying
hard it shouldn’t be what I was
“Hey! Don’t stare at me like that, she
isn’t my girlfriend,” Nath laughed
while I heaved a sigh of relief coz-
“Naughty Becky, I just hope David
hasn’t influenced you with his
naughtiness?” Kate laughed too.
“I’m a smooth gentleman o,” David
winked and held my hand and
though I gave him the look of “Let go
of me” he pretended like he couldn’t
see nor notice my uneasiness.
“Let’s go to the sitting room,” Nath
said. “Josh and Ken are waiting.”
Kate glanced at our locked hands
before joining Nath.
“Thank your stars Nath didn’t insist,” I
eyed David and forcefully removed
my hand from his. The next
statement David made almost threw
me off balance.
“You can eye me all you want Becky,
if my talking to you is making you
feel uncomfortable, I think we
should stop talking to each other,”
he said and left me in the kitchen. I
stood for a moment, then decided to
go back to my room instead of
joining them in the sitting room. I
used the back door and climbed the
stairs slowly but as I reached the
landing, I could hear mom’s voice
from inside her room.
“They’re still young samuel, studying
together might not be a good idea,”
Mom was saying.
“I know but my wife and daughter
thinks it’s a good idea,” David’s
father said. His voice almost
sounding like a whisper. Since
mom’s room was close to the
landing, I didn’t have problem, I only
took few steps and I was there right
infront of her door. The door wasn’t
properly closed but I still placed my
ear on it. As I stood, listening, I was
lost and didn’t hear when Josh
climbed up till he said “What are you
doing, eavesdropping?”
His words startled me, making me
jump out of my skin and mistakenly
pushed the door backwards.
“Who’s there?” Mom asked.
“Don’t worry aunt, the door was
pushed by mistake, Becky’s acting
rough,” Josh said and looked at me.
Mom’s okay made me feel relaxed
coz I would have been in trouble if
Josh had exposed me. I dropped
down my hands which had flown to
my mouth and hugged Josh who
“Let’s go downstairs,” he held my
“No, I… I… Sorry siesta,” I stammered.
“You want to take a nap?”
I nodded in response.
Josh led me to my room and after
promising to help bring my uniform
in incase I overslept, he left the
Lying on my bed inside my room, My
mind drifted back to David and to Eric
but the thought of Eric dorminated,
making me restless. I couldn’t
understand why I kept thinking of
“You still love him Becky,” my inner
mind said.
“No, I hate him, he’s a cheat,” I said
“But you’re thinking of him,” It said
again, sounding more convincing.
“I said shut up,” I shouted but then I
heard footsteps so I quickly covered
my face with my pillow and closed
my eyes.
I heard the door to my room open
and close again. Might be mom
heard me shouting and came to
check what’s wrong. I decided not to
open my eyes again and didn’t know
when I slept off.
While sleeping, I had a dream…
I saw myself sitting on a beautifully
coloured wrapper that was spread
on the sand beside a beach. I looked
around and saw Eric, standing infront
of a girl who wore swimming pants
while Eric wore a boxer thus
revealing his fine body stature. I
smiled at him but he didn’t seem to
notice me and in that dream I felt
like I we were all grown up and at
the age of getting married.
“Why staring at him?” a voice asked
and I turned to see David with cups
of ice cream. He sat beside me and
handed me one cup which I
collected. “You shouldn’t be staring
at another man with so much love in
your eyes, especially when I’m with
you,” he said, sounding jealous and
pissed off.
“Why? You know I still love him,” I
turned to David, then scouped a
spoonful of icecream into my mouth.
“If you keep talking about him, I’ll
have to end our relationship,” David
looked at me. He now sounded
I was taken aback, “Why? You know I
love you…”
“No, you can’t love two men at the
same time, you have to make a
choice,” David concluded and stood
up. I called out to him but he was out
of sight, I turned back to where Eric
had stood but he also was gone. I
became scared and started calling
their names…
“Becky, Becky! Wake up,” a voice
called and a hand at the same time
was shaking me vigorously. I jerked
awake and immediately sat up on
my bed. My head felt very hot.
“Mom!” I called out to my mom who
sat on my bed staring at me.
“What’s wrong, you were calling Eric
and David?” she asked, watching my
every movement.
I stood up from the bed almost
reluctantly. “Mom, I want to see Eric.”
“Are you out of your mind? Do you
realise you slept into your study
time?” Mum flared up. She stood up
and glared at me. She looked really
furious and that made me scared..

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