Trauma season 2 episode 12 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 2 episode 12

* * *
The room was filled with silence. I
watched mom stood up and wipe
her face with the hem of her multi-
coloured blouse, then sniffed.
“Don’t worry Becky, let’s not dwell in
the past,” she said and walked
towards the door.
“But mom…” I started.
“Becky!” she called without looking
at me.
“Do they needful and come
downstairs for lunch,” She said and
left the room, closing the door
behind her.
I sat and stared at the close door
wondering if mom was lying to
simply cover the truth or she was
just being honest. But then, I
decided not to let anything bother
me, though I still thought of how I
was going to stop being more than
friendly with David.
As I stood up to undress, my mind
flashed back to Eric but I quickly
began to sing so I could wash the
thoughts of him away…
After bathing and dressing up in a
black flare skirt and purple top, I
packed my uniform and went
downstairs coz it needed washing
but this time, I went through the
back to avoid passing through the
sitting room coz I could hear voices.
One sounded like David’s father but I
wasn’t sure.
On normal days, washing my uniform
takes me almost an hour because I
will soak it in the soapy water, then
squat and start making bubbles with
the foam, an action that annoyes
mom a lot. But you know, I guess
that day was different coz I washed
very fast and within two minutes,
the cloths hung on the line to dry. I
picked up the enamel pail which
made clacky sounds on the
cemented floor, to pour out the
water but a voice stopped me and I
turned back. Lo and behold, David
stood at the doorstep, with his hands
in his trouser pockets. He wore a
plain polo which showed his tiny
developing muscles and a dark blue
jean trouser.
“Hey! Why staring at me?” he asked.
I hissed and walked to where the
pipe leading outside was to pour the
water. David watched me as I rinse
the pail and my leg.
“Why were you washing so fast, are
you expecting someone or you
wanted to…”
“Shut up!” I interrupted him.
“Everytime talk talk like parrot,” I
hissed again, pushed him aside and
walked to where the small towel
was on a small rod that was fixed to
the wall under the stairs.
“Chai, this girl looks more beautiful
when she’s angry,” David said
smiling and looking at the washing
I didn’t answer him but instead
cleaned my legs with towel, then
hand it over to him. “Please, hang it
on the line outside, thanks.”
Surprisingly, he collected the towel
and walked outside without saying a
word. I just smiled and walked to the
sitting room to greet his dad…
I entered and moved to David’s
father to greet him. Mom had already
served him drink, lemon juice.
“How are you Becky?” he asked.
“Very fine sir,” I replied cheerfully.
David came in and sat beside his
father on the double couch while his
father and my mom stood up.
“Be right back,” Mom smiled and led
David’s dad upstairs.
I looked at David, “Do you think I’ll
serve you?”
“Why won’t you serve me? Am I not a
visitor?” he asked grinning widely.
“I never invited you here,” I said and
began walking towards the kitchen.
I entered and moved straight up to
where the container of groundnut
and corn was. I picked out a small
round plate and poured it in, then I
remembered the glass of juice in the
sitting room but unfortunately as I
turned to go carry it, I bumped into
“When did you enter and why did
you follow me?”
I expected David to say something
but he only mumbled an apology
and left the kitchen. I followed him
to the sitting room to pick up the
glass of juice that was in a small
orange tray but he stopped me and
held the glass.
“Let go,” I said.
“My dad left it here and drinks
shouldn’t be wasted,” he smiled. I
didn’t say anything, but quietly
returned to the kitchen.
I decided not to go back to the
sitting room, so I pulled out a chair
from under the table in the middle
of the kitchen and sat on it. I placed
my plate of groundnut and corn on
the table and started eating.
“Can I join you?” David asked behind
“What’s your problem na, no visitor is
allowed in our kitchen.”
David is one stubborn guy that won’t
take no for an answer and he proved
his stubborness by coming to sit on
the chair beside me. Three chairs
surrounded the table and I
wondered why he choosed to sit
beside me not opposite.
“Why are you upset with me?” he
wanted to know.
“Do I look like I am?” I questioned
and threw the a grain of nut into my
“You chew in a mature way and I…”
“David!” I interrupted and stood up.
David threw his hands in
amazement. “Why, am I now
“I’m annoyed with you,” I said,
lowering my voice a bit.
“What did I do wrong?”
“What is going on here?” a voice
asked and I turned to see Nath with
his left hand placed across Kate,
David’s sister’s shoulder…

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