Trauma season 1 episode 8 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 8

* * *
Eric, the head boy smiled again and
continued staring at me without
saying a word.
“What do you want us to talk about?”
I demanded for the umpteenth time.
He cleared his throat but still sat in
the same position. “I’m a very
straight forward guy and would go
straight to the point,” he began and
paused to watch my reaction but
what he said made no sense, so I just
said “Continue” and he did.
“I think am beginning to like you
Becky but you’re always too rude,
can you please change for me?” he
concluded with a question.
At that point, it felt as if I had just
realised that I was suppose to be
home coz by then my mom must
have been dead worried about me. I
hated making friends especially with
boys and any boy that made a
mistake of telling me he likes or love
me became my enemy instantly. My
cousins fiance had always beaten
and abused her all in the name of
love but though he had changed, I
still had some deep feelings that
anything about love that comes from
outside your family was fake and
meant to destroy you, so I quickly
stood up and carried my bag, then
glanced at my wristwatch which read
“Becky, we’re not done yet,” Eric
complained and stood up as well.
I slung my school bag on my left
shoulder and walked to the door,
then stopped and turned back to
face Eric.
“Did I say something wrong?” he
asked with his hands spread wide in
“Don’t you ever talk to me again!” I
fired and with that I ran out of the
class ignoring his calls. Thank God my
bag wasn’t heavy any longer coz the
only books I took home was
mathematics and English while the
others rested in my class locker…
I kept on running till I reached the
school gate and without greeting
the security, I ran out of the school
compound but felt very happy th
security man was too old to run after
me(not that old sha, but elderly).
The streets looked deserted but I
was lucky enough to find a public
taxi which I entered and within the
next few minutes, I was home…
I walked into our compound tiredly. I
could hear noises like there was an
ongoing celebration, it was then I
remembered what my mon had told
me in the morning about having a
surprise for me.
“How could I be so stupid to have
forgotten about this?” I asked myself
rhetorically and quickened my pace
towards the front door. I could also
hear music playing loudly from the
speakers which got me curious and
besides the main gate which was
always closed was wide open.
Just then, the front door opened and
my mom came out, closing the door
behind her. She wore a three-
quarter blue jean trouser and orange
turtle neck polo top and on her legs
were black heavy buckles slippers.
She actually looked surprised to see
me as she drew forward and hugged
me tight.
“My jewel, Where have you been? I
was dead worried about you,” she
released me and asked, looking into
my eyes.
My eyes misted as I remembered
everything that had happened. I
narrated everything to her, then
added, “And to crown it all, the head
boy told me he likes me, mom,” I
said as the tears began to flow.
Though I was very rude and arrogant
to outsiders, I was also very
“It’s all right dear, lets go inside,”
Mom wiped my tears and placed her
hand across my shoulder.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” Mum smiled and led me
I walked into the sitting room
smiling like one who just won a
lottery. Then I sighted my aunty, two
male cousins and my uncle. I felt
very happy and quickly ran to hug
them one after the other. The
woman was my mom’s younger
sister and she stayed with her
husband in New york. She normally
comes to visit us alone and had
always promised to bring her family
to stay with us for a month or two.
Her daughter is the one her fiance
had always maltreated but later
“Wow! What a big and pleasant
surprise!” I said excitedly.
“Yes, come here, you’ve grown so big
now,” Nath, the senior said and
pulled me to himself.
“Yes o, she looks stunning too,” Josh,
the junior smiled too and
straightened my hair.
“I feel very happy, atleast now I will
have people to play and laugh with
at home, you know mom is now old
school,” I said and we all bursted into
Suddenly there was a knock on the
door, startling everyone. “Mom, the
main gate was open when I got
home,” I looked at mom, wondering
who was at the door.
Mom hit her forehead. “Oh! My bad,
let me check who’s knocking,” she
said and walked to the door.
Opening the door, someone walked
in. He wore a long jean trouser and
white polo with a black palms.
“David!” I exclaimed in shock as I
couldn’t believe my eyes. Gosh! I
guess some school uniforms hide
peoples beauty cos David looked so
cute in his mufti but why he came to
our house baffled me…

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