Trauma season 1 episode 7 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 7

* * *
David stepped forward and landed
Peace a thunderous slap on both
cheeks(you know that kind slap that
will make you see stars, lol). The
scene looked shocking and funny as
well as I couldn’t believe David just
slapped Peace because of me.
“David, what did you just do?” Joy
asked while Peace just stood unable
to say a word, then she turned and
went back to her seat in tears.
“David, you are a disgrace.”
“So disgusting.”
“Very bad,” Members of my class
shrugged their shoulders, while
some went to console Peace, some
just hissed and left the class.
“I will make this school a living hell
for you Becky, that I promise you,”
Joy vowed, then also left angrily
after eyeing David and I for some
I was unable to utter a word as David
quietly went back to his seat with a
look of remorse in his face.
“David, that was too bad,” Queen
retorted. “Though she behave
childlike and crazy, she doesn’t
deserve such slap from you,” she
added and sat down on her seat.
I stood for a few seconds before
sitting back on my seat. Though I
disliked my classmates, I felt very
bad that David had to slap Peace
right infront of the whole class just
because of me…
After Break, the class was very boring
and even after the time keeper had
rung the closing bell, I felt very
reluctant to get up from my seat.
Everyone kept whispering and
eyeing me angrily as they left the
class that afternoon.
“Lets go!” David and Queen said in
unison as they stood infront of my
“I will go later,” I said without
looking up. Then I heard
“Goodafternoon senior” which forced
me to look up. To my greatest
dismay, the head boy walked up to
my locker and sat on top with one
leg on the floor and his hands on his
laps with his fingers locked. He
wasn’t with any school bag except
for a small jotter which he had kept
infront of me.
Joy and Peace who were still in class
picked up their school bags and
walked to the door. “Players,” They
said shrilly and finally walked out of
the class. I was expecting David and
Queen to leave too but surprisingly,
they still stood staring at me.
“Lets go, Becky,” David repeated,
sounding a bit harsh.
“David,” Joy prodded. “She’ll come
later na,” she whispered and glanced
at the head boy who looked a bit
confused about what was going on.
“I’m not leaving here without Becky,”
David said defiantly with a raised
voice. I felt woozy as I looked from
the head boy to David, then Queen
and back to the head boy. I then
decided to act rude just to let them
leave me alone.
“I don’t wish to speak with anybody,
please,” I frowned.
“I want to talk to you, Becky!” the
head boy smiled, his voice sounded
more romantic and charming.
“I said I want to be left alone,” I
shrieked and stood up, then locked
my locker and picked my school bag
but Eric, the head boy, held my right
hand. His palm was very soft too.
“I asked you to come see me during
break but you refused, why?” he
asked, looking directly into my eyes
without blinking while I looked
“Senior please we have to go now,”
David also held my left hand.
Queen stood with an amused look
on her face and a folded arm.
“Hey! Let go of her,” the head boy
“No!” David stood his grounds. I
could feel his shaking hands.
“Let go now!”
“I guess you’ve forgotten that I am
your senior, the head boy at that,”
Eric glared at David but David was
“Being the head boy doesn’t mean
you have absolute authority over
me, besides its after school and no
parent in their right sense of mind
will permit the child to stay back in
school without any…”
“David!” I interrupted. “Let go,
please,” I pleaded.
“Yes David!” Queen supported. “Let
Though I always acted rude and
arrogant, I still had respect for those
who were older than me and I felt
the head boy deserved some
“Becky!” David called slowly.
“Please,” I added, trying to keep a
straight face.
“You know this isn’t right?”
By then I’d had it up to my neck and
that made me loose it, “And who are
you to tell me what’s right and
wrong? Do I look like a kid to you?” I
fired but Eric still held my hand while
David released me.
David swallowed hard in pains, “Fine
then, have fun.” Before I could say a
word, he was out of the class while
Queen also joined him without
saying a word to me.
I sighed deeply and turned to face
Eric, ” What is it?” I demanded rudely.
“Lets talk,” he smiled and released
my hand.
“Just sit.”
“No, talk!”
“I said sit first.”
I stood breathing heavily, then sat
down fuming in anger.
“You look more beautiful when
you’re angry,” Eric smiled and
touched my cheek lovingly.
I hissed and slapped his hand away,
“Say what you have to say and let me
go,” I eyed him, almost shouting…

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