Trauma season 1 episode 20 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 20

TRAUMA ( Pains of Love ) - Season 1
Episode 20
I stared at the person infront of me in shock
and also with my mouth wide open. I never
imagined in my entire life that David would still
summon up courage to come to my house
after what had happened in school earlier.
“Could this be love?” I mumbled.
“Becky, who’s there?” Nath asked from inside.
I didn’t reply but instead opened the door wide
for him to enter.
“Wow! Someone we weren’t even expecting,”
Josh exclaimed while David walked up to
them, then greeted.
“Sit,” Nath smiled while David obeyed with a
smile too.
I walked and sat on the couch beside Nath to
avoid coming in contact with David who sat
beside Josh. Eric arrived minutes later but I
was too angry to notice his presence and
immediately mom came downstairs, I
requested we had lunch before she even
thought of sitting down.
At the dining table, I sat beside my mom
while Nath and Josh sat opposite each other,
then David and Eric sat beside each other.
Lunch was garri and melon soup. I thought of
how I was going to use my hands to eat right
infront of Eric and without giving it a second
thought, I excused myself and stood up, then
walked towards the stairs. Mom kept quiet
and allowed me climb up but when I reached
the fifth step, she stopped me.
“Where do you think you’re going to?” She
asked with one kind eye like that and if looks
could kill or make one disappear, hmm, I
wouldn’t have been alive to narrate this story
but that’s not withstanding, I wasn’t scared coz
I knew mom too well.
“My room,” I replied.
“And lunch?”
“I’m not hungry mom, I’m feeling sleepy,” I
said and before she or anyone could say any
other thing, I ran up to my room where I
entered and slammed the door behind me. I
jumped on my bed with a loud thud and
minutes later, I dozed off…
Waking up, I glanced at my alarm clock and it
was 6:46pm. I quickly stood up and ran to the
door, only to realise that I had locked it. I
opened it and without closing it, I went
My mom was sitted in the dining room on the
chair dad used to sit. My cousins weren’t in
the sitting room but the television was on.
Mom looked lost and barely noticed my
presence, so I walked up to her and tapped
her shoulder lightly making her startle.
“Mom, any problem?” I inquired.
“Your food is in the kitchen,” She said instead
and stood up without replying to my question,
then walked to the stairs and turned back to
face me. “David and Eric have been banned
from coming here and you’re not permitted to
talk to them beyond the normal greetings,
you’re just in Ss1 and still have a long way to
go,” she concluded and with that climbed the
“But why mom?” I asked but she ignored me
and disappeared into the upper part of the
stairs. “What’s going on?” I asked rhetorically
as I walked to the kitchen. Mom never looks
so sad and drawn except something was
wrong but what could be wrong? That was a
question I needed to find answers to later…
I entered the kitchen and decided not to eat
the soup but to eat conflakes instead, so I
took a bowl and the conflakes from the
kitchen cabinet. But just as I was about
pouring the cereal into the bowl, mom held my
hand from behind thus preventing me.
“Is there no food for you to eat?” she
I was scared coz the look on her face wasn’t
funny at all. “Mom, I just feel like eating this,”
I answered with a shaky voice.
“If you can’t eat what others eat, then learn
from today,” she fired and released my hand.
“But mom, why the sudden change of attitude?
This isn’t you,” I complained. Truly something
was wrong somewhere which I couldn’t figure
out. “What happened when I left the dining
room and why was mom acting up?” This were
questions that filled my subconscious mind as
I stared at mom. “What is wrong mom?” I
asked for the umpteenth time but she ignored
me and walked to the refrigerator. I sighed and
picked up the conflakes again but mom turned
to me angrily and snatched it away from me.
“Mom!” I began but was cut short as mom
landed me a resounding slap.
I held my right cheek as it felt hot and looked
at my mom as tears began to blind my eyes
but before I could recover from the shock,
another slap landed on my left cheek which
made me loose balance and fall down.
“How dare you disobey me?” Mom barked
furiously and removed her slippers to hit me
but a voice stopped her.
I turned to the door and there were my
cousins, aunt and uncle.
“Gloria, do you want to kill her because Eric
happens to be her brother?” My auntie asked in
I stared blankly at my auntie, “Eric, brother?” I
asked but then I felt my head spinning and the
last thing I heard was, “Hold her!…”
To be continued

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