Trauma season 1 episode 11 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 11

* * *
The Economics teacher’s eyes
widened in anger as he looked from
one person to another, expecting an
“Have you all suddenly gone dumb?
Who stole the money?” he fired
while I stood up with shaky legs and
hands. Immediately I stood, the
whole class began to murmur
amongst themselves.
“Quiet!” the teacher ordered, hitting
the locker he stood infront in the
process. Then he asked me to stand
out and face the class and I obeyed.
“I’m sorry sir, I don’t know how the
money got into my bag,” I pleaded as
tears began to fall from my eyes.
“Really, money now have wings
right?” he asked.
“Yes sir,” David stood up. “Bad money
have wings, I know Peace and Joy set
Becky up,” he said and turned to eye
“David just shut up and sit down,”
Emeka shouted from behind.
“Sir, its a lie,” Peace shrieked.
“All right, Becky, David, Peace and
Joy, to the principal’s office now,” the
economics teacher said.
“Sir, am also a witness,” Queen stood
up too.
“All right, you all should follow me
immediately,” he said, picked up his
books and walked out of the class
while I followed him behind, and by
then I wasn’t crying any more, I was
David came up beside me and held
my right hand while Queen held my
“Don’t worry Becky, I will be right
beside you,” David said trying to
cheer me up as he wiped my tears.
“I’m here too,” Queen squeezed my
hand but their actions made me
weep the more as my nose began to
leak which forced David to use his
handkerchief to clean it…
The matter was explained by the
economics teacher and I was asked
to kneel down. Though I was crying, I
felt angry that I was asked to kneel
down and talk. The principal was a
young man of about thirty or there
about. He wore a black and white
suit with well polished shoe and
designers wristwatch.
“Becky!” he called.
“Sir,” I looked up..
“So, you mean you don’t know how
the money got into your school
bag?” he asked as he leaned on his
At that moment I wasn’t thinking
straight and I spoke without
reasoning first. “With all due respect
sir, my mum is very rich and my
extended family ain’t doing bad too,
my mum gives me five hundred
naira everyday for lunch which I
don’t use sometimes, what on earth
would make me ever think of
stealing someone’s money?” I
questioned as the tears continued
flowing freely.
“You don’t have to sound rude, I
know your mom very well and I will
call her right away,” the principal
said and picked up his phone to dial
my mom’s number.
“Please sir, it hasn’t gotten to this,
Becky almost had a fight with Peace
and Joy yesterday and I think they
are responsible for this,” David
“Yes sir, they should be questioned,”
Queen concurred while Joy eyed her
through the corner of her eyes.
“Sir, it’s a lie, she stole my money
because she hates me,” Peace
“For the very last time Peace, respect
yourself and stop calling me a thief,”
I said almost shouting.
The principal ignored our arguments
and still went ahead to call my mom.
I watched him as he spoke to my
mom on phone…
Seconds later, he dropped the phone
and faced me, “Your mom will be
here in no time, Mr John, please go
back and continue teaching,” the
principal said while the Economics
teacher thanked him and left…
My mom barged into the office. From
the look on her I could tell she was
boiling inside of her.
“Becky!” Mom called and pulled me
up into her arms. “What happened?”
she inquired and cleaned my face
while I sniffed and explained
everything to her.
After the explanations, mom turned
to face the principal, “Sir, my
daughter might be rude and
arrogant at times but no one can
ever question her character,” she
“I take exception to that ma!” the
principal stood up and put his left
hand in his left trouser pocket.
“Take exception to what, mr
principal? Are you trying to draw to a
conclusion that my daughter is a
theif?” Mom shouted and released
me while I stepped aside.
“Ma, she stole my money,” Peace said
from behind, but unfortunately for
her, mom turned and landed her a
slap, more thunderous than the one
David had given to her.
“Don’t you dare open your smelling
gutters to accuse my daughter ever
again,” she shouted and faced the
principal again.
“For your information, my daughter
is very neat both inside and out and
she tells me everything that
happens to her be it good or bad. I
believe she’s wrongly accused
because of the misunderstanding
they had because of their head boy,”
Mom concluded and placed her
hands akimbo while tapping her foot
on the tiled floor continously.
As soon as mom said that, I felt happy
within me coz I knew so many
hidden stuffs will unfold…

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