Trauma season 1 episode 10 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 10

* * *
I woke around 4:am in the morning
and sat on my bed with my back
leaning on the wall. I had a dream
but woke up when the person had
tried to kiss me. Surprisingly, I found
myself smiling as I thought about
the dream, then suddenly I
remembered that the uniform I was
suppose to wear to school wasn’t
ironed and I couldn’t wear the one I
wore the previous day coz I wore my
uniform each for two days unlike
some of my nursery school mates
who had always argued that school
uniform should be worn monday to
wednesday before washing, then
you wear the second one you have
thursday and friday, an idea I disliked
so much.
I glanced at the alarm clock on my
bedside table and the time was
“Jeez!” I exclaimed and got of bed
quickly and before doing any other
thing, I entered the toilet to brush.
After brushing, I went out of my
room and walked to ironing room
but met my mom who was ironing
my school uniform.
“Goodmorning mom and thanks,” I
smiled and hugged her from behind
When I entered she was almost
through which indicated she must
have woken up so early. She
switched off the wall socket in which
the iron was plugged to and turned
to face me.
“Becky, did you pray this morning?”
she asked, staring at me directly in
the eyes.
I smiled again, then turned and ran
to my room. I didn’t wait to give her
a reply coz I knew what’s next…
At About 5:30am, I was already in the
As I came out of the bathroom to
dress up for school, I began praying
again in my heart, asking God to lead
me out of trouble that wednesday…
By the time I went downstairs for
breakfast, it was already 6:00am. I
dropped my bag on the couch in the
sitting room and then the front door
opened and my uncle and cousins
walked in. Their dressing needed no
one to tell me they had gone out for
the early morning exercise which
had become part of us back then in
New York.
I hung my handkerchief on my left
shoulder and placed my hands
akimbo. “You didn’t care to take me
along?” I frowned.
“Sorry,” they said in unison.
“Tomorrow you will exercise with
us,” My uncle added and touched my
cheek, then climbed upstairs while I
walked to the dining and sat down
to eat coz I didn’t want to be late to
“Becky, sorry about last night,” Josh
apologised from the sitting room.
“Forgive,” Nath added.
I smiled and stood up, then carried
my plate of yam porridge to the
sitting room. “I forgave you last night
but you will have to appease me.”
“Okay fine, anything?” Nath said.
I took time to chew the food in my
mouth before speaking, “You will
arrange my room today and take me
out for dinner later,” I requested.
“Ah!! That’s not fair na,” Josh frowned.
“Deal or no deal?”
Just then my mom descended the
stairs and walked to the sitting room
where she put the normal five
hundred naira in my school bag
while I stood up and moved to the
dining room where I dropped the
plate of unfinished food, drank water
and removed a serviette to clean my
I walked back to the sitting room and
carried my bag. “Bye everyone,” I
smiled as I hugged them briefly and
headed to the door.
“Becky, your room isn’t arranged,”
Mom called out. I turned and glanced
at my cousins, then ran out happily….
On my way to school, I met David
standing under the pear tree by the
path way.
“Hi Dave, goodmorning,” I greeted
cheefully and stretched out my hand
to him which he held.
“Lets go, was waiting for you,” he
“You should have come to our house
“I couldn’t.”
“Okay,” I squeezed his hand playfully
which he reciprocated and then we
As David and I held hands and
walked in through the gate, we
sighted the head boy who stood
under a shade close to the school
gate, glaring at us. David cared less
as we walked and even held my
hands more tight than before…
After the morning assembly, Queen
joined us and we walked to the class
Soon, the Economics teacher came in
but as he began to teach, a cry from
behind stopped him which made the
whole class turn to the direction of
the voice. It was Peace.
“Hey! What’s your problem?” The
economics teacher asked and
walked up to her locker.
“I can’t find my lunch money,” Peace
The economics teacher became
angry and asked us to search our
bags after Peace had told us the
money was one thousand naira.
I searched my bag and surprisingly
found extra one thousand naira note
in my side bag but never knew how
the money got there coz my mum
had put only five hundred.
“Have any of you seen it?” the
economics teacher asked while I
held the money and began to shiver
in fear…

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