Diary Of A Broke Playboy – Episode 10 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 13 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Playboy – Episode 10

I stared at her like she was developing horns."What do you mean her
perfume is smelling all over this room?"
"She said no one answered her but still, this very room reeks of her
very own perfume and tell me why this bed is all wet" she was
gradually raising her voice.
"Fine i won't lie to you, the bed being wet was because i jerked off
while you were gone and splashed the sperm all over the bed" i guess
that was better than telling her i bonked a girl within 30 minutes
that she left the house.
"And about the perfume, maybe she wore it heavily and the smell
filtered into this room" i continued with my lies.
"So you are saying that girl was never in this room, eh chinecherem?"
"I swear to you, do you think i will do something like that not with
what happened between us few days ago"
"Hmm, okay o, please get this mattress to the sun and get new sheets
because i won't be sleeping on this bed like this" she said and got up
from the bed. Feeling satisfied that i was able to lie myself out this
time around, i flipped the sheets from the bed and something landed on
the ground. It was small and sounded metallic, we both looked at the
ground and lying there, besides my wardrobes was Cynthia's ear ring.
Chinaza picked it first and put it to her nose. I just stood rooted to
the point. I was just so sure i have lost naza. Like something hit
her, she ran to the waste bag in the room and to my utter shock and
dismay pulled out the g-string pant and put it to her nose. When i
realised what she had done, i knew the game was up.
"so she was the owner of the pant, she came here today and you,
chinecherem had the guts to f*ck her behind me" she said in an
emotionless voice. I went on my knees before her.
"naza i'm sorry, i really am, it was the devil, baby forgive me" i said
"No problem, it happens, i guess my heart has chosen to love you and
no matter how bad you hurt me, i just can't do anything about it" she
said and went outside to cook dinner.
We moved on like everything was normal but within me, i was restless.
I expected her to call our affair over but here she was acting like
nothing really happened. Before we ate, i secretly made sure she ate
first before i do. To avoid stories that touch.
A day to the day we were supposed to be going home to our houses, i
decided i was really sick of Chinaza acting like everything was cool
between us. It was driving me nuts so i decided to deal with it
headstrong. James and Sandra had both gone out to town to enjoy their
Last day together.
"Naza can we talk? " i asked her as she packed our clothes in
readiness for home coming.
" About what? "
" about us".
"What about us?" she asked still busy with the packing.
"Naza please you are driving me nuts with this your i don't care
attitude, for Christ's sake, you caught me fu(king another girl in
this house and you have been acting cool ever since and its messing up
my mind"
"I didn't catch you rather i found out " she said still busy with the clothes.
" So?" i was getting visibly frustrated.
"So what do you want me to do?, say congratulations to you? " she
asked and finally left the clothes to face me.
" No, not that, i at least expect you to shout at me, call me names
and say you are done with me"
"Oh that's what you want?" she asked Standing akimbo.
"Yes!! Yell at me, i betrayed you and betrayed our love" i said almost shouting.
"Well, chinecherem, you know what?"
"You are a bastard, a two timing, cheating, lying bastard. I hate you
so much you son of a Dam" she was shouting and the tears were dropping
from her eyes . She picked a portrait of me on the wall and flung it
against the wall. Then she picked the mirror on my wall and dashed it
on the floor. It broke to pieces.
"i hate you lying bastard and i will never forgive you for all the
pains you have caused me" she came for me and slapped me, then
proceeded to hit me on the chest, i grabbed her and tried to hug her,
she resisted violently but i managed to cage her in my arms, she
grudgingly gave in and held on to me as she cried more, the tears came
to my eyes and i let it rain. We held onto each other as we cried our
eyes out.
"Fu{k me" she said suddenly in between sobs.
"What?" i asked a bit surprised.
"I said fu{k me" she repeated.
Without further questions, i gently laid her on the bed as she shook
from crying, removed all her clothes and went fully into her. Her
tears fell more as i went into her, i placed my lips on hers and we
kissed, exchanging and swallowing each others tears. It wasn't long
before we both came. I lay flat on the bed and pulled her head on top
of my chest. She still cried and the tears was soaking my chest.
"I just wanted to be sure i have a reason for letting you keep me and
my heart to yourself" she said and sniffed.
"If for nothing, at least i have the great sex to be grateful for but
i would like to assure you that you have lost my trust and my love, my
heart can decide not to stop loving you but as for me, i'm done, you
will always have me as your girl but my love will remain mine from now
on, do with me what you will player" she finally said and sobbed.
I closed my eyes and the tears flowed in my eyes and my heart ached…..
When you love someone, you just love them, no matter who or whatever
comes up along the way, you will never want to let go.
We all went home for the remaining part of our holiday, as i have
already said, we and Naza lived close to each other and both our
families have a close relationship so no matter what, we always saw
each other, whether we liked it or not.
Our relationship soon metamorphosed into the type of relationship i
had with Eva. Only difference was that Eva once told me she loved me
but naza wasn't going to say that to for a long time. She would visit
my house, cook with my mom, play around with my siblings and then walk
into my room and fukk me like she was my LovePeddler. It was more like
a ritual to us which we did at least once in 2 days because in as much
as she hated to admit it, we both still loved each other so dearly and
wanted to be together all the time but it hurt her so much to think
that she was sharing me with some other girl. I also suspected she was
always expecting to catch me with another girl inside my room because
of the way she usually comes in.
Now, naza wasn't any girl i would want to fukk just for the sake or
fun of it, i loved her too much for it. You know when you really love
someone, fukking them is not something you do just because you feel
like, its what you do when words, kisses, letters and hugs becomes
inadequate to express your passion for them, you do it because it
makes you both happy and not because it gives you pleasure. If you
want pleasure, go and masturbate.
Like i said, i do suspect she was trying to see if she would get me
with another girl and she almost did.
Amara had lived with us ever since she was a 9 year old kid. She was a
distant relation of my mother. She had always slept in my room along
with me up until she was 16 and i was 19. In between that period and
up to now, we have explored and exploited each other so many times.
When we slept together, we had our Goodnight sex and good morning sex,
as time went on, it was like more of a necessity to us than it was a
sin. I'm even thinking i have fukked her more than all the girls i
have been with put together. She was a dark beautiful girl and very
curvy too. Outside the bedroom, we were both very much attached to
each other that my people will often throw jokes at us
"Don't worry, in your Next life, you both won't be relations so that
you will get to marry each other"
They will often say stuffs likes this not knowing we had both broken
records married people can't break.
It was on a Saturday morning and I was in my room playing my game. I
was seated on the bed with my legs crossed. Amara came into my room
clutching a floor mopper. I looked at her and smiled, she smiled back
revealing her neatly cut open teeth, i can assure you that she is a
very beautiful girl that can give Rihanna a run for her body.
She closed the door behind her and came straight to me. She sat beside
me on the bed pecked my cheek.
To be continued

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