Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 62 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 62

Bros came around. He is my mother's
little brother's son. He is like 2 years
older than Willie. That was a rough
guess. Jidenna is his name but we out of
respect addressed him as Bros Jide.
Small talks going around had it that he
thought Willie how to be a clown and a
ladies guy. He too was a clown of his
As the stories went, it was in our little
village that Willie was tutored. Back
when Bros was sent to take care of my
mother's mother, our grandmother. He
took care of himself and the Chics
instead. Then Willie went on holidays
to the Village. He came back all
baptized and became a new being in the
He told me tales about it. How Bros
will tell him to change his playboy
orientation. He told him how he needs
to let those cheap girls be. There was
no fun in running after them, they
always had a "Yes" ready for your
advances so there was no challenge in
it and there was less fun.
"You have to make a deep chase mehn.
When you do that and then she finally
falls, bro girls like that who take time
to fall when they eventually fall, they
fall head over heels and then you have
their remote control, their proper
mumu button."
That was how Bros Jide always
preaches. He would often say,
"If I wanted a cheap girl and cheap sex
I would go to the brothel. It's not
expensive and the girls are cleaner."
That was how he Godfathered Willie in
the affairs of the skirts. So he was
around the house and everywhere was
as hot as can be.
He had a bit of cash and it was just us
alone. I feasted long enough on his
benevolence, always buying a thing or
two for my baby and our babies and
telling her they were exclusively paid
for by me. We spent 15 minutes of each
day in chemist shops either pricing
condoms or postinor 2 and always
came home singing and all drunk. He
would notice the way his sister,
Amarachi would stare at me and the
way I replied the look, then he would
"Come, are the two of you drinking
from the forbidden stream?"
I would shake my head and ask him
why I would want to drink from that
waters with my own blood. "I don't
know about you shaa but I would have
not only drank from that stream but
bathed in it with Ujunwa your sister if
she was my agemate," he would say
and we would stagger into my room to
plan out for the next day, flushing used
condoms into the toilet.
I wasn't up to 35% sure I was going to
make heaven but if I had another
brother very close to me and he was
Bros. I would be 100% sure of going
straight to hell. Even then, the ladies
down there wouldn't be free from our
torments, the fire notwithstanding.
We would turn and toss on my bed
discussing into the night about nothing
but the ladies. He kept teaching me new
things I needed to know, like how to
deny a girl that might take in for me in
the later future. That guy was savage.
He wasn't exactly sure as he says but
he was guessing he might have fathered
a couple of kids somewhere.
Willie came home a couple of days
later and a playboy gang was formed in
our house. For a while, a very long
while, I seemed to forget about my
twins and my very fine girlfriend. It
wasn't my fault, just that Naza insisted
on refusing me things as little as a
French kiss and little sensational hugs
here and there. I had bros and I had
Willie and we had a lot of other girls to
keep us busy. Girls who thought I was
sexy and fun to be with. Little things
that Naza would never agree to or
would agree to once in a blue sun. She
loves me no doubt but I am a guy and I
loved hearing that once in a while.
The day came that the playboy inc of
my family's chapter took a day out.
Each to his chic. I hooked Freda up. It
had been a while and I needed a break
from all those times I kept awake to
baby cries. I have been gone for a long
while from them and their mother
wasn't complaining neither were they.
Freda had turned into a proper slay
queen but she still felt a thing or two
for me and I still loved the shape of her
body. We formed the perfect couple
while bros and Willie hooked two
random girls I had never met before.
They were cute like they loved their
girls to be and they ate us up like
smoked fish. Starting from the joint.
Bros was smiling all through. He had a
couple of cash with him so we were
good. The girls loved booze and that
was what the guys loved. Drunk girls
were bae except that Freda refused to
get drunk. She was trying her best to
reawaken what I thought was dead in
her and me. The feelings that we had
back then, when she could never go to
bed without hearing my voice. Back
when Willie would address her as my
wife right before her and call her my
third wife with her back turned. Yes,
that feeling was great back then but I
have no clue about now. In as much as
Naza was being conservative with what
she gave to me, I still loved her and
would never want to hurt her that
"So you are a father now," she stated
more than ask. I nodded slowly as the
girl with Bros tried effortlessly to gain
my attention with her eyes. The table
was getting loaded with more drinks
and Willie was busy ensuring that it
was Heineken through out. He had high
taste and it would be a pity if he ended
up poor in life.
"Are you now going to marry her?" she
"Marry who?" I asked without looking
at her.
"The mother of your children," she said
avoiding calling her name. She hated
Naza to an extent. An understandable
"Why are you asking me that now?" I
asked, stuffing my bottle into my
mouth and winking at Bros's girl.
"I want to know, girls who give birth
before marriage have their market
value cut in half."
"What about girls who abort?" I asked.
"I don't know."
Giggles passed around the boys and the
girls sipped their drinks uneasily.
"Remember when you were eager to get
pregnant for me?" I asked, trying to
cover up the uneasiness that had
enveloped our group.
"Remember what you promised me?"
she asked.
"Yes, I said I will marry you."
"Where you lying then?" she asked.
"Joking," I muttered, sipping my bottle.
"What?" she asked in a snap.
"Lying and Joking, they are two
different words with very different
"I hate you," she said and I smiled at
"I love you," I grinned.
"I love you too baby," she said and
giggled. Bros got the table filled up with
meat and we partied into the evening.
To be continued

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