Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 51 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 51

"So as I was saying, the two of us was
high like the high priestess and Neche
was looking all sexy…" I smiled within
me but I had a heavy frown on my
"He even wanted to take me to bed with
my clothes on."
"Hahahaha, for real?" Shape asked,
poking her head forward from the back
seat. I made eye contact with
Chinecherem through the rear view
mirror and she smiled. I shook my
"I am telling you," Naza said.
"Naza stop naa," I pleaded.
"Please face the road," she said and
"So I wouldn't want him to tear my
beautiful clothes so I decided to pull
them off. I opened the wardrobe and
just then I saw something on the floor."
She stopped and waited for everyone to
appreciate the climax. I was almost
"What did you see?" Shape and
Chinecherem asked in unison.
"I saw this very black extra large g-
string. As in, the pant would go around
your waist two times Chinaza," Naza
said and the two girls broke off into a
huge skyscraper laughter.
"That's not true. Shape is a bit heavier
and thicker than Cynthia jare," I
protested. Naza turned to me with a
frown. She wanted to tell dirty tales, I
was becoming interested in it.
"Her name is Cynthia?" shape asked. I
"The girl that came on Naza's
birthday," I said and bit my lips,
appreciating the horror on Naza's face.
"She came again?" she asked and I
nodded slowly.
"What for?"
"She came to take her pant," I replied
"I thought you said," she started and
stopped with a broad smile and then
faced her backseat audience again. "Did
you know that Neche even said that the
pant belonged to James?". Another
streak of laughter. I couldn't help it. I
smiled too, on imagining James on a
pair of g-strings.
"So how is she?" Chinaza asked, facing
"How is who?"
"The g-string girl."
"Her name is Cynthia and she is fine.
Shebi you invited her for that party," I
"She came?"
"No, her ghost came. Abeg change
topic," I said.
"How is my baby?" Shape asked.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Williams baby naa, do I have any
other babe?"
"He is fine."
"Its been long I last saw him, I am
really missing him," she murmured.
"Shebi he was around on Monday for
my birthday. E never even reach one
week sef and you don dy miss am," I
"Ehe, one week is long enough for me
to miss him. Abeg face your wife o."
I laughed and turned to Naza. I needed
to taunt her a bit more.
"Naza how is that Range Rover guy?" I
asked and that was how I bought
market on my head.
"He is okay, he even called me today
sef," she said.
"What for?" I asked.
"He wanted to meet me, maybe take me
out but I don't want him to see me like
this," she said rubbing her belly. "I
want to look sexy enough when I meet
I swallowed hard and increased my
foothold on the gas a little.
"Is it that cute one, the one showed me
long ago?" Shape asked excitedly. Naza
nodded. I kept quiet, exchanging
glances with Chinecherem.
"When is he coming, I can't wait to
meet him again. As in, the guy is so
cute and with his fluffy beard and deep
voice and everything," Shape gushed. I
coughed and rubbed the tiny hair
sprawling out of my chin. I nearly
wanted to cry. Those girls had deadly
"When I deliver my baby boy, we may
meet up again," Naza said and I
"Baby girl," I said.
"Whatever but I heard he has bought
the latest Range Rover. Is it 2014
model. Shebi that is the latest?" she
asked. Nobody replied.
"Neche I am asking you, shey the latest
model is 2014?"
"I don't know, why don't you ask him,"
I answered without even looking at
"Well, I will call him and ask him this
night," she said.
"Oh my God. That his voice must be so
sexy at night," Shape said. I got so
jealous and fed up that I had to
"Girls I am driving!!"
They kept mute for a while. They
looked shocked.
"So?" Naza asked after a while.
"You are distracting me."
She peeked into my face.
"Are you jealous?" she asked and I shot
a look at her and then faced the road
"Why would I be? If I get to his age and
I don't have a beard and a Range,
that's when you will start asking me
that stupid question."
I was vexed and it was in my voice.
"Is like he is angry," shape whispered to
Chinaza like I couldn't hear them.
"No, I think he is jealous," Chinaza
replied like I wasn't there.
"Baby are you jealous? You know I was
joking abi?" she asked, caressing the
little hair on my chin. From the rear
view mirror, I could see Chinecherem
trying to stifle a laughter. Shape
couldn't help it. I felt the urge to let
out a smile but I withheld it. I was
damn angry and maybe jealous.
I pulled into Ifite and drove through
the potholes which left everyone in the
car dancing. I wasn't good enough at
avoiding them. I parked by our lodge
gate and Shape got down with
Chinecherem. Shape and Neche came to
my side, my glass went down.
"Boo, take it easy on her o. You know
she has a bad mouth and was only
joking," she said and pecked me. I let
out a weak smile. She walked over to
Naza and Neche came to bid my her
own goodbye. She rubbed my hand and
smiled. I smiled back but that didn't
mean I will be coming out to see her
again in my life.
"You won't beg me to take it easy on
him?" Naza said to shape. She was
laughing away. "I will kill him o!"
They laughed it away. They bade us
good night as we drove off. We weren't
talking to each other.
A little distance out, I saw the
silhouette of Cynthia as she stood by a
gutter, getting toasted by one fresh guy
like that. I stopped and honked at her. I
bet she jumped above three feet when
she saw me behind the wheels. I was
just feeling myself anyhow. She came at
my window and stopped short at
kissing me when she saw Naza. We
talked for long and she invited me to
her birthday party loading the
following week. I left her there, feeling
good as I have equalized with Chinaza
to an extent. I had done a little bit of
dirty talking with Cynthia and even
pecked her as I drove off.
I stopped before their gate around 8
"Are you coming tomorrow?" I ask her.
She got down from the car without a
word and banged my door shut. Good
for her I thought. Imagine her taunting
me with talks of a guy better than me
wanting to hook her up the second time
after ruining my supposed date with
that silly Chinecherem. Which girl does
I sneaked into the house and
everywhere was quiet. That was
surprising. My father should have been
on the TV. I called Amara and she came
running down at me, all prepped for a
fully equipped hug. I let her have it
and she caressed me with every detail
of her body. She was endowed like I
would always say.
"Where are they?" I asked, biting her
"They traveled to the village just this
evening. They said someone died and
that your food is in the kitchen, they
will be sleeping over. "
I thanked her and walked up to my
room, crashing on my bed with
everything still on. I managed to pull
off and pulled the sheets over my semi
nude body. I closed my eyes and smiled.
The coast was quite clear and tomorrow
I am going to invite Chidimma over for
another round of Fuckery. That was
my plan until the lights went on. I
thought if Amara was expecting to get
laid this night, she's in for a long thing.
I was going to tell her that until I
opened my eyes and saw Naza standing
by my switch on her very sexy nightie.
I swallowed hard.
"Shift," she said and lay on the bed
beside me. I obliged without a word. So
with my face up and my hands
supporting my head, I stared at the
ceiling. I knew there was no sleep for
me that night. I hated sleeping with the
lights on and Chinaza liked it on while
she slept, except we were going to
Bleep, only then would she agree to
killing the lights but just how do you
Bleep a pregnant woman in the
She slept with her face to the other side
of the wall while I stared at the ceiling,
not wanting to complain.
Approximately one hour later, she
turned and placed her head on my
chest and hugged me closer. I kissed her
forehead and shut my eyes. My baby is
going to have the best parents ever, I
swear down!!!
To be continued

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