Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 29 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

Diary Of A Broke Play Boy – Episode 29

Meanwhile house was agog with the
news of my coming baby. I felt older all
of a sudden. My sisters will hail me
"papa junior" at the slightest chance,
Willie automatically changed my name
to C. Ronaldo while my mother never
stopped asking when the baby would
come, underage or overage, she
couldn't wait to carry her child's child.
Sometimes I wonder the type of family
I was born into. Anyways, it made
things easier for me.
Naza's parents weren't so easy or so
hard to talk to. We were family friends
and that made things milder. Her
father and mine settled it over 2 bottles
of Heineken and old time jokes about
their girlfriends when they were my
As for me, I just wished Naza would
remain pregnant for the rest of her life.
Her belly wasn't showing the signs of it
but her skin developed this kind of glow
that made me want to take her to bed
each time.
Our school had gone for Easter break
so we were all at home. Naza spent
more time in our house than she did in
theirs. She did that because of Amara,
lol. She didn't want us overplaying our
brotherly love, if you know what I
Meanwhile, I was getting too
uncomfortable staying around my
hood. I mean like all of a sudden, the
whole place started booming with fresh
chics. Nobody knew where or how they
managed to find their way into our
The worst is while I am contemplating
on hitting on one today, the next day,
another will show up and I will just
focus on her again. Confusion
everywhere. And just when I thought
that Chinaza was pregnant already, so
we can Bleep anyhow without fear of
pregnancy or period. She decided she
was always too tired or not in the
mood and worst still she won't leave
me so I can find go and find a remedy
to my problem.
"So Naza, why are you always tired?" I
was asking her the day the something
was trying to destroy me, after series of
turning and upturning on my bed
which didn't solve my problem.
She just rubbed my head and smiled, a
beautiful smile that annoyed me in this
time of my need.
"Neche I want to drink tea," she
replied, rubbing my back like she was
begging. The both of us knew it was an
order more like "Neche go and make
me tea."
The tea showed up in no time, anything
that will make her drop the honey pot
for me.
"The tea is still hot," she said and
dropped the cup on the table.
"So what were you saying?" she asked
"I was trying to say that I need you."
"Yes, am I not here?"
"No, that is not the type of need I am
talking about."
"Which type kwa?"
She definitely knew what I meant, I
was sure but Naza was just being
herself. How do I even explain myself
to her without looking stupid?
"I mean, that thing we did that made
you pregnant, I want to do it again."
I believe that was better. She shaa
laughed and nearly poured the cup of
tea away. I wasn't finding it funny, not
when it's one week gone and I haven't
even kissed anyone talk more of doing
the other one.
"So right now, that is all you want?"
she asked and I nodded.
"Well, I am pregnant, wait till I
That was it. I was plain angry.
"What does that mean?" I asked, raising
my voice small small.
"Don't shout, Your mom will hear your
voice now and will start asking what is
wrong, what will you then tell her?"
"Let her hear, why are you mean like
this… Bla bla bla bla… "
I was really frustrated and I didn't hide
it. She just sat there, staring at me as I
vented my frustration on her.
After much ranting, she just sighed and
fanned her tea with her hand. Nobody
told me to calm down.
" See Naza, you know you are my only
girl and I love you."
"Just this once, eh nne?"
"Neche no."
Her reply was cold and final.
"I think I will just go out there and find
myself a new girl," I complained,
expecting her to change her demeanor
or get jealous. She just blew air into
the cup of tea.
"Please do if that will make you leave
me alone," she said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes, but before you go, just make Pap
for me, I don't want tea again."
Is that how pregnant people use to do?
Girlfriends = 23
Side Chics = 27
Bang mates = 12
Crushes = 1 million
Secret Fantasies = 500 million
Milf fantasies = 100
Sugar mommy = 0
I just sketched a rough estimate of my
Romance life since when I became
aware that men were supposed to run
after women. I can't even remember
the age I grew that awareness but I can
remember playing that infamous game
of hide and seek with my classmate
back in my nursery 2. Then our
teacher would force us to place our
heads on the desk and go to sleep. She
would give me a Mouth Gig under the
desk and then proceed to hide an empty
cabin biscuit pack in her pant and ask
me to find it with my hand. Y'all know
how that would end up right. That
doesn't matter though, I doubt if I even
knew what I was doing.
So my details up there is to let you
know that I am not as bad as most of us
here lol. See, its just roughly 23
girlfriends up there since I was born, I
know some of us here have more than
23 girlfriends as they are reading this
thing now. See I'm actually a little bit
of a good boy.
So recently, I decided to meditate on
my life a bit. I ended making it all
about Chinaza and the pregnancy. I
started wondering if there is any other
girl in my life I would have preferred
to be the one in Chinaza's place.
I remember Maryann, she was so
beautiful that I missed receiving holy
communion once in the church because
I was staring at her. She was 100 yards
of everything I wanted and I got her for
a period of time. Only problem was
that I was 12 and she was 11. We only
wrote love letters which we perfumed
and rubbed sweet smelling powder on.
Apart from that, no other sort of
RUBBING took place. I am still looking
for her shaa, I hope I find her one day.
Uju, Ujunwa. She was Ebony, a
beautiful sort of Ebony. Met her when I
just started with Chinaza. Small tits but
her ass covered up for what she lacked
in Boobs. She gave me the styles that
busted my brain, even Cynthia couldn't
do that. We hit it off for a while before
she got married after her NYSC. I would
have loved her to have a baby for me,
only problem was that she was 25 and I
was 17 and she was Chinaza's aunt.
Azuka, she was beautiful and petite
with a round ass and perky boobs.
Those types of boobs that will flow
down and then curve up with the Tip
like a banana. She was bad and
naughty in a way that I liked and can
display her love for you even in the
street. I was even shy at times. Can you
Imagine. There was no problem with
this one. Just that I was sharing her
with my guy. While he was writing her
text messages, I was reading them to
her in her father's bedroom, on the bed
each time. We shaa went our way and I
didn't miss her much.
Then Jennifer, not the other Jennifer o,
a different Jennifer. A combination of
my sperm and her eggs would have
produced nothing less than a Chris
Brown. She had this way of kissing that
could cover up for the sex that we
never had. We still talk shaa but she is
kinda far away from where I am and
wouldn't want to take this stress of
meeting her when I could easily find a
good replica of her and her pussy. Only
problem we had was that she only
loved me fingering her. If we were still
together right now, I know my biceps
would have been as huge as. Fingering
a girl like that beats hitting the Gym.
Who else, who else, who else? So many
of them but I can't remember much
again. Now Chinaza seem to be okay to
me but I don't just understand her ways
these days. I think it's the pregnancy
thing. Someone cannot even drink garri
and drop spoon for her. She is always
wanting one thing or the other and she
won't even want to have sex, that's the
most annoying one.
That was how I was waiting for Amara
to come home from the Market so I can
beg her for a little kiss. Even if its 2
seconds. Chinaza called me that she
wants fried rice. Me that can't cook
jollof rice without over watering it or
over salting it. And she said she won't
eat take away, that I must cook it
myself. The next thing she was
threatening to come over to our house
if I don't cook it. I don't even know if
fried rice is actually fried in the real
sense or if it's cooked.
Shaa I agreed to cook. My plan went
this way, Amara would come back and
when we are done with each other, she
would whip up some rice and I will
take it over to her.
I was still in my room, whatsapping
away on my phone when my door
opened. I looked at the door, hoping to
see Amara. Chinaza just stood there,
scolding me with her eyes.
"So this is where you are cooking the
fried rice?"
"See Chianza, I don't even know how to
cook rice, can't you just look for
something else to eat, maybe garri and
"No I want fried rice."
She came and sat on the bed, I noticed
her tommy was starting to protrude
and she walked like a woman in a
maternity hospital.
"Just cook me fried rice and we will….
She stopped half way and gave me a
suggestive wink.
" We will what?" My heart was
thumbing like I was checking my
semester results.
"Baby, you know nah," she said and
winked again. Hehehe, see me see
youtube, searching for how to cook
fried rice. Luckily, my moms no dy
joke with food so all the condiments
were there. We didn't have chicken but
Fish was in the fridge.
The rice was ready in no time and
served in my room. No dulling.
We drank the rice rather than eat it.
The water in it no be here. She wanted
fried rice. She got it.
"See eh, Neche, I don't want fried rice
again. Just cook indomie."
"You are not serious, you will finish it
I was getting angry.
"I thought you wanted to do that thing
that made me pregnant again?" she said
eyeing me with a smile on her face.
"What do you want?" I asked.
I shaa spent the whole day cooking
indomie from there to making tea and
back to Pap. In the end, just when she
said she wasn't hungry again, after I
had brought her Pap, my mother came
I spent the rest of the day Washing
plates and pots and cleaning the
kitchen. The rice went down the
wastebasket and the pap with the tea
went down Willie's stomach.
Like I always say. If Chinaza's doesn't
kill me, I won't die.
To be continued

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