3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 3 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 3

After the meeting of the marine cult students mysteries, horrors
started happening at the school, students were initiated including
some SU member and staff.
Days after day's horrorful story were recorded at the school these
made the school unsafe for student to live and study.
One day some students were at night class studying suddenly they
started hearing strange voice conservations with unknown language as
they ran out and saw eight maidens dressed in white standing at the
front of the class busy with their conservation
The student screamed in a loud voice and the maidens disappeared. The
next was an incident of two senior students that gave a junior student
punishment for a certain offense the junior student was asked to draw
a car and make it move he reluctantly drew the car after a threat of
24 strokes of cane
The two students step on the car and asked the junior one to drive
them to the school gate as he bent down they all disappeared and since
then nobody have come up with any useful information about them
A night have never pass without strange voices disturbing waking up
the students late at night another was a case of a student that came
to collect food at the dining hall, one student bent down and
discovered his foot were not touching the ground he screamed at the
boy as he remembered the story his father told about those that their
foot never touch ground as they are walking immediately the strange
boy disappeared.
I don't know what this school is turning into while I was praying last
night the things I was led to see were terrible said Nneka
The worst is that the management seems to find comfort in all this
mysteries said Nneka
My dear the things of the spirit cannot be understand by a carnal man
nothing goes for nothing, the principal and many other teachers has
been enchanted.
The principal was seduced by Mara (queen of S£x) she cast a spell on
Mr. Principal and since then he acts according to Mara instruction the
SU members decided to find a way out of the situation but Joshua and
James took it upon themselves since others seem comfortable with the
situation, of course it is the handwork of Evelyn and tony the new
members in SU organization
One day Joshua was praying in his corner when he saw of a vision about
the meeting of the marine cultic with their grandmaster in his vision
he heard every issue discussed by the cultist after the meeting in the
vision Joshua heard terrifying voice calling unto him Joshua mine
humbly servant go I have chosen you for liberation go behold the
battle line is drawn
When Joshua woke up he discovered that it was just a vision he was
wondering what the dream could mean. I said it this Evelyn and Tony
are not ordinary but I must strike before they realize what happening
Joshua concluded to keep the vision to himself as for the moment, I
must decide on how to attack.
As he was thinking of what to do he heard a voice from behind "prayer
is the key, a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian" yes I must
start with prayer but I have to chain up with James he made straight
to James corner when he get there he discovered that James was not in
good condition when he came in.
James why is your face like this, my brother is not a joking matter
then who is joking asked Joshua yesterday I was discussing with Nneka
about present predicament of the school, she told me her dream, she
said she had a dream where the SU members where going for excursion at
the airport, suddenly the demons started attacking them but an angel
came and gave them a book called the book of wisdom
According to her the books has some powers that prevent the demons
from harming them but along the way the demons came again but couldn't
harm them. To everyone surprise one of them threw the book out of the
bus as she throw the book she change to a demon and was about striking
them and Nneka wake from her dream
I even plan to see you yesterday but I didn't make it, last night I
had a dream a terrible one, a group of people came and attack the
students and carried them away suddenly a man on a white garment
appeared out of the bush, I was trembling as I saw him but he said to
me "if you are willing you can rescue the students he gave me a staff
which he said will help me run faster, I collect the staff and made
straight towards the captive as I approach them I saw you pursuing
them as we get close to them a huge dragon appeared with flames of
fire surrounding it as it was about devouring us an angel shouted to
us fight the dragon is time for war I woke very confuse narrated
I prayed over the dream during my prayer I heard a voice take the staff and go.
That is a terrible one I just pray that God will help us answered
Joshua. Actually I came to see you concerning the same thing you are
telling me I had a vision as well, Joshua narrated his own part of the
story I was privilege to see some students having meeting with the
devil of which two of our new members were among Evelyn and Tony,
To be sincere Joshua the first day I saw the two I perceive there were
up to something but the word of the Lord is like a strong tower the
righteous ran into it and were saved.
James don't worry they have taken the wrong decision what do you suggest we do?
James are sure\ you are ready for this war? Asked Joshua
Yes of course am ready, remember it involves suffering self
deprivation, agony and strong mind.
Why are you talking as if am a coward I surrender my life for the
cross of Christ
Then we shall embark on three days fasting after that we shall go for
a half day fasting with the SU members that will end on Wednesday then
the following day will be Thursday which is the day for the school
morning fellowship and moral instruction.
We shall obtain permission from the management to give us the
privilege of conducting the activities during the fellowship if the
request is granted then we shall leave God to make name for himself.
The basic thing here is that we have to manage our limited time.
Then we shall ask the SU leaders to wait after class tomorrow so that
we can discuss the strategies to employ said James.
Oh my problem with you is either you talk too much or that you talk
too fast you never care to hear from the ministry of the holy spirit,
when you talk as you care you send away the spirit.
What are you aiming at Joshua?
I suggest we tackle it ourselves before inviting the third person
As they were still talking, Chibuike, Chidimma, Ebuka and Lovelyn ran
to them breathing heavily Ebuka and Lovelyn were weeping
Oh what have done wrong God why do you allow all these mess?
Can you shut up and said what the problem with you asked joshua
They did as if they didn't hear the question
What is it asked James in a low tune?
After a long silent Lovelyn wipe off her tears
Reuben our SU chorus leader is mad in the street right now
Whaaaaaaaaaaat no no no no no no no
Somebody is joking here shouted Joshua
Why should you cast such expensive joke asked James?
Come see for yourself
There is no need of shouting nor crying and asking question we should
all come to the knowledge of the battle between us and agents of
darkness if possible to you, you are to deploy any means of
interceding for others said joshua
That seems to be the best said Chibuike.
Whatever we are to do let us start doing it now because this poor boy
is already wandering in the street said Chidimma
This has clearly explain the writing on the wall to everybody that the
battle line has been drawn and if you don't mind who knows the next
victim said Joshua
We are brothers and sisters and one family in the body of Christ
Jesus, we are of same vein, we are suppose to fight for one another
let us put hands together and fight this battle even though others may
relent said Chidimma.
To be continued…

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