3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 2 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 2

As time goes on all the marine cult student in different school came
for a meeting with the occultic grandmaster the meeting started with
an opening speech from the devil, I summoned this meeting to tell you
of my grief over your laziness especially in the issue concerning soul
of which you know is my major concentration I was seriously provoke
when I discovered that you fools are allowing the so-called SU to take
away our captive, that's hurt me upon all the lesson I thought you on
importance of soul to our kingdom you still have the guts to keep
careless of soul.
You all aware that I am a great lion that devour it prey without
minding the tears of my victim and I will maintain that if you ever
emulate the laziness Christians in serving their master. the fact that
you allow SU excel in your school means that your best is not good
enough and mind you any one that does 99% of his/her work will get the
highest torture of his life with everlasting punishment do you
understand me shouted the grandmaster harboring no smile on his face
such that a mad person near him can detect the level of his grievance
Yes sir bowed the entire agents the people present during the meeting
were Jimmy (Great Oduduwa) from champion secondary school Chinny,
Sandra, Rita, Nancy and Victoria (the maidens of the earth goddess)
from academic light.
Patience, Daniela and Loveth (the darkest angel of frustration) from
St. Michael secondary school and Jack, Tony, Mara, Cynthia and Evelyn
(occultic walls) from merit Int'l Secondary School and two dwarf
They were all in their group seated in two parrell row facing
themselves while the grandmaster sat at the edge of the two parrell
rows with two dwarf servant standing side by side form a joint within
the rows
Now we are going to embark on a specific assignment and I wish to
start with merit Int'l Secondary School we are going to destroy
peoples destiny, frustrate the student, kill and pull Christians down
so everyone contribution is needed the meeting can now start the devil
now rose and left,
Sir how can we destroy people destiny ask Sandra
Don't be stupid Sandra don't you see in society men appointed for
greatness coming from behind, children of the mighty crawling with
their knee did you think they are just there at God will, it is the
handiwork of our great kingdom showing our dominion over all creature
said Daniela
Which ways did you think we can trap people's destiny and lay them
inactive throughout their life ask Jimmy
We should always go about looking for those with great talent and if
we found any we shall attack the family and reduce them to a pap so as
to frustrate the particular person with the great destiny said Nancy
You are right Nancy if we should also give special attention to those
with the gift of singing you know praises and worship is the only
thing that can force the Lord out of his throne to go and fight for
his people said Evelyn
Besides God will never allow any one receive his glory that's why the
always descend from his throne to receive the praise and worship of
his people added Victoria
As we have known all these how do we stop those with gift of singing ask Rita
We must stop them because they are a great threat to our kingdom said patience
Not only threat to our kingdom but the only source of liberation of
the captive said Loveth
In that case we shall make those with such great talent work with us
and anyone that prove stubborn will remain frustrated for his life
said Evelyn
How do we make them work for us asked Mara?
We shall always sit near them to teach them the songs from our kingdom
and make them understand that such songs is the current song for their
time and before you know it they are already winning souls to our
kingdom through their great talent reply Chinny.
Hmm you are really great Chinny
I will suggest we make us of internet now we should bring out a small
space showing pornography in all vital website of the world which will
help in introducing peoples to our website by just a click to see what
we meant added Patience
Yes Patience is right we must use the internet people will come to our
website to download Sekxual films to sell in order to make money then
the buyer and the seller are already our captive said Cynthia
How do you wish to accomplish this asked Loveth?
Small space for advert in most of popular website shall be occupied
with a pornography picture with funny comment then once people browse
there it will connect automatically to our homepage with real XXX
content thereby seducing the mind of the users.
Nice and excellent we shall now talk about the so-called SU members
that have always been a thorn to our flesh we shall be deliberating on
how to eliminate organization from the surface of the earth suggested
Jimmy why must we go as far as wiping them from the surface of the
earth asked Daniela
Because they are dangerous to our success they are adversary to our
kingdom, now let the suggestion continue ordered Jimmy
We are aware that the first step in conquering any Christian is by
attacking their prayer that's more reason we should be aiming at
making it difficult for them to pray and study the bible suggested
The devil returns to his seat he fake a smile the agents stand and
bowed before the grandmaster
The occultic walls should stay back to continue the meeting while the
remaining of you return back and guard their coven the agent
disappeared but the occultic walls stayed back now let the meeting
proceed you are talking about making it difficult for our victims to
pray and study the bible
Yes sir answered Evelyn
Then how can this be possible asked Mara
We shall attack their prayer life at the spiritual reign, then we
shall cause them feel weak and as well think that their prayer are
just mere word saying anytime they want to pray replied Evelyn
Then how do we stop them from studying the word of God asked Tony
Good, in that case we shall cause confusion to them while reading the
word of God and mostly we shall cause them to read it for argument or
mainly to fulfill all righteousness that's my own opinion replied
That's nice replied the grandmaster.
I think Evelyn is right added Jack but I suggest we stop them from
going to church
That is not necessary have you so forgotten that so many churches now
are express way to hell because the taste of materialism has taken
over the glory of God in the church said Tony
Ha ha ha ha laughed the devil I have taken over the church as my temporal home
Master how did you do that asked Cynthia?
When I was thrown down from Heaven I knew it that Heaven has gotten it
peace but woe to the earth where the great dragon was thrown into
because I knew it that everlasting suffering is near and many souls
need to feel the hotness of hell in order to bring the death of the
son of man on the cross to shame
Besides there is one thing people don't understand, I know that God is
so righteous to behold any form of ungodliness, you expect God to
dwell in the midst of people that fornicate at night and come out in
the morning to sing at the choir by doing these they are drawing
themselves to deepest part of hell
I know this entire secret while I was with him but make sure you keep
this secret or I will have you killed
most often if we get to fellowship we meet some of this boys preaching
the truth of the gospel imagine Joshua telling the students that a
prayer-less Christian is a powerless Christian he went further to
explain to them that N.C Cletus in one of his book wrote that going to
church makes you a member but prayer make you a Christian.
I tried all that I can to stop him but the glory of the righteous one
was really protecting him and when I make inquiring I notice that he
has a great prayer life he prayed at least twice a day early in the
morning before anyone could wake up and at night
A day came that I almost succeeded in trapping him but he was vibrant
in the spirit and he exclaimed Jesus, at the mention of Jesus thunder
struck their kingdom and set it ablaze both devil and the agents felt
the flames, when they gain consciousness the devil tormented Mara for
mentioning Jesus at their kingdom and warn her to always address him
as the son of man.
Mara was asked to initiate two student within two days as atonement
for her sin she accepted to do as she was told.
He brought out a calabash of blood and gave it to his dwarf servant
take blood round to keep their reasoning sound, after the drinking of
the blood the meeting continued
Sir I think we shall be talking about bringing some dresses that must
be mocking God in the name of fashion said Tony
Have you soon forgotten that the scripture emphasis much on dress do
you think it will be easy to lure them to that said Mara
Put those words aside I have told you that I will blind their eyes
from truth in the scripture
I can even tell them that they look more beautiful than a mermaid
while they put our materials on said Evelyn
I wonder how we succeed in deceiving most of women to put men attire
and men to put women attire even though the scripture spoke against it
said Cynthia
Infact people are foolish nowadays said Mara I heard some group of
nonentity saying it is that not in their power of any person judge
them on the kind of attire they put on while others said it wasn't
their native cloth so the white that brought it should come there to
teach them women and men attire when I heard that I knew that the
heart of people has been corrupted said Mara
But they are men who are still with the unquenchable power of God said Jack
Have you seen why so many of you fail common assignment I have warned
you never to give up on anybody no matter what have happened said the
devil angrily.
Now when you get back to school initiate as many as you can to our
kingdom don't worry about those who are already on their express way
to hell they can only be used to promote our ministry but give
seriously attention to the destructive SU member and make sure their
story is wiped off entirely from the school's history
Distribute special groundnut, snacks, notebooks, money and food you
will go as far as bringing peoples destiny to our kingdom then you
must study the bible with rapt attention so you can turn it side down
to deceive and cause confusion among brethren and as you know people
will prefer the false gospel unlike the truth that is both difficult
and itching to them
Now hold your ears, they held their ears
Don't allow anybody to build prayer life do you understand I repeat
don't allow anybody build a prayerful life because it is a threat to
our operation said occultic grandmaster (devil)
When you get to fellowship caused people to drag position and make
sure that the people have problem with money. Endeavour to bring your
teacher to our kingdom seduce them in that lodge and office and get
them to our kingdom. Don't give up on anybody I repeat don't give up p
on anybody work in unison because united you stand divided you fall
Don't rest else you incur my wrath
Don't emulate the indolence of the Christian
Work like a dying man you know our time is short to bring the work of
son of man to nothing finally go with the weapon fornication make
youth lust after pleasure and don't allow them have rest without S£x
now go and publish all you have seen post on the door way, highway and
street lure youth into destructive movies that can terminate their
future and proof to them that they are like other movies
I will give to you riches, wealth, and power to perform mysteries
above human imagination I have made you above mortal destruction,
remember 99% is against my wish.
the meeting dismissed the agent return back to school the devil laugh
mischievously for a while these people doesn't understand that I am
the father of all lies I will teach them lesson they will never forget
in eternity
Praise be the Great War Lord
Master Devil said the devil
To be continued…

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