Trauma season 2 episode 26 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 2 episode 26

The room became very silent after
the Queen mother had spoken but
inside of me, I felt like I was going to
I stood up almost immediately. “Hey!
What are you insinuating?” I flared
“Go back and ask your mother some
questions,” the queen mother said in
annoyance but I cared less about her
anger and was very much
determined to get answers to the
questions that kept flowing into my
subconscious mind.
“Answer me now?” I barked furiously.
“Take her away now,” she shouted,
already beginning to shake
“I’m not going anywhere till I get an
explanation or rather an answer to
my question,” I said defiantly. Truly,
the effect of TRAUMA(PAINS OF LOVE)
began to take it’s toil on me. I felt
the pains of David’s love leading me
into the trauma I was in as at that
time and also the pains of having a
mother like mine. At that point, I felt
shattered and devastated and at the
same time, emotionally down.
Prisca and the rest stood up, then
Becky1 held my right hand.
“Let’s go Becky2, so you won’t regret
your actions,” she pleaded but I
remained adamant and that caused
me a lot.
“I’m not going anywhere till I
get all the answers to my questions,”
I said, almost shouting coz I was
really pissed off but adamant
behavior turned out to be
something I regret till this day.
When it seemed all pleas fell on deaf
ears, the queen mother made a sign
at them and they all moved aside
from me. The next thing they did
was to pull off their bracelet. I almost
jumped out of my skin as their legs
turned into a fish tail. I was stupefied
as cold shivers ran down my spine.
Prisca then moved to the inner room
and came back with long black box
that looked like coffin. I stood
transfixed to the spot and when I
finally found my voice, I started
“I want to go now, I’m ready to
leave,” I pleaded but the Queen was
far too angry to listen.
“I will now do to you what I do those
that disobey my orders with so much
boldness. What Gloria, your mother
did is bad enough for me to kill you
but I will only punish you,” The
Queen mother said and started
laughing out loud. She laughed so
hard that everywhere began to
shake. It was as if I was standing on a
floor filled with banana peels. She
raised her sceptre high and
surprisingly, the higher she raised
the sceptre, the higher I was also
lifted and flying in the air. All this
time, she had a smile of
schadenfreude on her face as I float
in the air. Soon she began twisting
and turning the sceptre round and of
coz my body also twisted and turned
as well like a snake.
“Oh god mother, the greatest being
ever liveth, arise and show your
power,” The queen mother shouted
on top her voice, standing up to in
the process.
Meanwhile up there, I felt I was
going to die coz I was running out of
breath but they(Prisca and the rest)
were all less concerned. They were
busy smiling like fools.
“It’s barely two weeks since I started
schooling there but look at what
mom’s over protectiveness has
caused,” I thought to myself, then
shouted out loud, “I hate you
mother, I hate you with deep
passion.” Immediately I said that,
they all bursted into laughter which
annoyed me the more but I couldn’t
shout anymore coz I was dying
Seconds later or so, a very big
python appeared in the air infront of
me. “Father Lord have mercy, do
stuffs like this still exist in this
world,” I thought and began
screaming. The more I screamed, the
more I was loosing my breath. I
looked down and saw Prisca open
the long black coffin with a smile on
her face. Then the python drew
closer to as I had stopped twisting
and turning. I tried screaming again
but I had lost my voice. My breath
was failing me badly.
“Oh god mother, the greatest and
most adorable, give to her what she
has never received before. Make her
pay for disobeying us. Make her pay
for her mother’s mistake. Oh god
mother, I present to you your
evening meal,” The Queen mother
concluded and dropped her sceptre,
then she, prisca and the others
started squeezing their fingers with
an expressionless face. The more
they squeezed, the more it felt like
someone was squeezing my neck.
They squeezed and squeezed. I had
thought I would fall since the queen
mother had dropped the sceptre but
I didn’t. Finally they stopped
squeezing their hands and I fell into
the open coffin with a loud thud. The
last thing I saw before passing out
was the python falling inside the
coffin with me. Hmm… This world is

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