Trauma season 1 episode 25 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 25

* * *
I ran straight up and in the heat of
my anger, completely forgot that the
door to my room was closed and as I
ran, I hit my forehead hard on the
metal door. Though it hurt so much
but I cared less, I just stopped in
pains and opened the door, then
walked in and pushed the door back
for it to close but I guess something
blocked it. I threw the novel on the
bed and turned back to face
whosoever had followed me into the
Eric stood right infront of me as I
turned. “Get out!” I ordered with my
eyes closed.
“Stop shouting like that Becky,” I
heard Nath’s voice say and also
heard footsteps which I guessed was
his, so I gently opened my eyes to
find Nath and Josh staring pointedly
at me.
“I want to be left alone,” I demanded
and folded my arms.
“You’re needed back downstairs,”
Eric said calmly.
“The meeting isn’t yet over,” Nath
“To hell with any stupid meeting, I
am not leaving this room to
anywhere,” I shouted and unfolded
my arms, then walked and sat on my
bed and began tapping my right foot
rhythmically on the floor.
Nath came and sat beside me, then
placed his hands across my
shoulders. “She’s still your mother
“I am an orphan dear cousin,” I said,
stood up and walked to my where
my storage cart stood, close to my
reading table. “I doubt if I’ll pass any
of my examinations nor class test
this term or maybe I should just drop
out of school,” I hissed and sat on my
reading chair with my elbows
supporting my chin. Eric walked up
to me and stood behind me. Then he
carried me up with the chair and
place infront of my dressing mirror.
“Look into the mirror and tell me
what you see,” he smiled.
“Myself of course,” I said, looking
confused as I stared at the mirror.
“Good, You are a strong woman and
shouldn’t let anyone or anything
make you feel bad or defeated,” he
said and placed his hands on my
upper shoulders.
“I will never forgive her. She killed
my father thus shortening his life on
earth,” I stood up, making him drop
his hands down forcefully. I walked
to the toilet door and held the hand
to open but stopped to face them
(Nath who still sat on my bed and
Eric who stood behind my reading
chair. “And one more thing, Gloria
James isn’t my mother henceforth.
Anyone who calls her my mother
should be ready to bury my corpse.
She is cursed and so be it, Forgiving
heart replaced,” I said defiantly,
gazed at them for a few seconds,
then opened the door to the toilet,
entered it and slammed the door
behind me.
“Becky is just as stubborn as her late
father,” I heard Nath say in a voice of
resignation. I could only smile but
the word “LATE” reminded me of the
fact that my own mother, the woman
who carried me in her womb for nine
good months, had the daring guts to
poison my own father. But wait a
minute, why did she even do that?
What was she thinking? I asked
rhetorically, then shook my head and
faced the mirror in my toilet. “I will
never forgive her and I’ll be sure to
make life a living hell for her,” I
vowed as anger and hatred began
boiling in my heart. And Yes! This is
how the enmity between my mom
and I began…
The next day was a sunday and I had
woken up thirty minutes before my
alarm rang but then I couldn’t gather
enough strength to step downt from
my bed. I felt very weak but couldn’t
figure out the reason why. My legs
seemed to glued to the bed and I
felt paralyzed in both hands. My head
too wasn’t even helping matters as it
felt like two fat women were
pounding something right inside my
head. But then instead of pounding
something like pepper or something
inside a small plastic mortar, they
both were pounding heavy stones
that simply refused to break.
“Nath!” I called out loud in the little
strength I had left. “Nath!” I called
again after seconds of silence but
got no reply.
“Oh God! What is happening to me?” I
thought and fell back on the bed,
then rolled to the floor. Soon I began
screaming in pains as the pains got
worse and extended to my stomach.
My cousins came running into my
room to find me struggling for
“Help! Get the car, she’s vomiting
blood,” Nath knelt beside me and
shouted at Josh who immediately
turned and ran out.
“I’m dying, Nath,” I began breathing
heavily as my eyes were closing.
“What did you eat last night?” Nath
asked and carried me up.
“I… I… The bottle… I drank it…” I
stammered but my breath failed me
and everywhere became dark…

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