Trauma season 1 episode 17 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 17

* * *
As I entered the class, members of
my class were going out as well.
From where I stood at the door, I
could see David and Queen
preparing to leave the class too.
Queen held a chemistry textbook
and an exercise book to her chest
while David was locking up his
“Are you going for chemistry
practicals?” I asked. By then
everyone had left the class except
David, Queen and myself.
For some odd reasons, they both
choosed to ignore me.
“Done?” Queen asked, looking at
“Sure, lets go,” David replied and
picked up his notebook too, but as
he was about to walk past me, I held
his hand.
“Why are you upset? Is it because I
talked to Eric yesterday or because
he hugged me and I reciprocated?” I
wanted to know. David only stared at
my left hand which I used to hold
him, then he gently withdrew his
hand from my grip and walked to the
“Fine David, thank you,” I said simply
and sat on my locker but they both
walked out of the class without
saying a word…
There’s a saying that “If you don’t
have a friend, it would be better if
you try being yourself coz when
once you start having friends and
they stop talking to you all of a
sudden, It will hurt more than when
you had no friend.” And yes! This is
what I was passing through. I
supported my chin with my elbows
as I sat. I thought of how Eric had
ignored me too right infront of his
colleagues. Soon tears began to drip
from my eye to my cheeks and into
my mouth. It tasted wet and salty as
it entered my mouth and that made
me cry more so I could taste more of
it but then I decided not to go
anywhere till after school…
After members of my class had
returned from from the chemistry
laboratory which I guess they must
have gone to, the rest of the day
seemed very boring..
Soon it was break period, if things
were better, I would have turned
back to discuss with David and
Queen but since they had decided to
keep malice with me, I promised
myself to let them be. Inorder not to
disturb anyone, I closed my locker
and placed my head on top, in a way
the enabled me see the floor. I kept
glancing at my wristwatch, wishing it
school would soon be over but then I
heard my name, so I looked up, and
was surprised to see Eric.
“Goodafternoon,” I greeted calmly,
actually surprised with myself that I
greeted him after what happened in
the morning at the assembly hall
Eric removed his right hand from his
trouser pocket and placed it on his
chest with his left hand still inside
his pocket. “Can I sit?” he pointed at
my seat with a smile on his face.
I nodded and adjusted a bit while he
came and sat beside me, then placed
his hand across my shoulder which
made me feel uncomfortable. I could
also feel David’s eyes burning in
rage from behind but I cared less.
“Thank you,” Eric said.
“It’s all right.”
“I’m sorry I ignored you in the
morning, you’ve never be so humble
and respectful before, atleast not in
my presence so I was too shocked to
speak or do anything,” he
“No issues,” I said and stared at my
locked fingers on my locker.
“Thanks sweetheart, for
understanding. You’re very good but
I don’t know why you keep putting
up bad attitude that doesn’t suit you
at all,” he complained but I kept
mute. We became silent, a silence
that got me worried, a silence that
made me remember my dream.
When the silence had lingered on, I
felt I couldn’t take it anymore, so I
spoke up, “Why are you here?”
“Why did you come to me in the
morning?” Eric replied with a
“My mom want to see you.”
“Really! But why?” he asked
sounding excited.
“I don’t know, please leave now,” I
said and removed his hand from my
“Okay,” Eric obeyed and stood up,
then adjusted his tie but I couldn’t
look up at him though he was staring
at me.
“Can you please look at me?” he
pleaded but I refused and kept
staring at my locked fingers as if it
held a code I could decipher by
concentrated staring.
“It’s all right, I’ll go with you after
school,” he said and put a something
in my hands, then walked out of the
After he had left, I opened my hands
and what I saw marvelled me, a
small badge that had the words “I
love you on it.” I smiled to myself
and picked up my school bag to put
the badge inside but then David’s
voice stopped me.
“Becky!” he called, sounding sober.
“Any problem?” I asked without
looking up.
“Really!” I exclaimed and looked up.
“Tell me about the problem then.”
“Can I sit beside you?” he smiled and
came to stand beside me but I only
bursted into laughter which left him

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