Trauma season 1 episode 13 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 13

* * *
Josh cleared his throat and was like,
“Guy, she’s still too young for that o.”
A statement which made me
forcefully remove my hands from
Ken’s as I now understood what he
was up to.
“What’s your name?” Ken asked with
his hands in his trouser pockets.
“Be…!” I started to say but then Josh
pinched me a little from behind as a
sign to keep quiet while Nath came
to where we stood.
“Hey Ken! Whatsup?” Nath while the
shook hands.
“Cool bro,” Ken smiled and turned to
look at me again. “And her name
“That won’t be necessary Ken, will
you join us or?” Nath asked.
“I’ll join you, i’ve got my ticket.”
“All right,” Nath and Ken said in
unison, then held my hands as we
walked inside the cinema…
Inside the cinema, we sat on the
third row. Nath and Josh sat beside
me thus putting me in the middle so
as not to give Ken who sat beside
Josh a chance to talk to me or ask
Later, Josh went out to buy some
popcorn and hollandia yogurt(my
best snacks). Immediately Josh left,
Ken moved from his seat and sat on
“You never told me your name
angel?” he said in a whisper almost
sounding like a question.
I glanced at Nath who’s right hand
was placed across my shoulder, his
eyes was fixed to the screen in
which the movie was shown.
“No!” I said coldly.
“Then tell me,” he pestered.
“I said no,” I frowned almost
shouting. Nath turned to face us,
then Ken quickly jumped back into
his seat. I could see anger in Nath’s
of which I guessed Ken is not a good
person or maybe one that maltreats
girls like my cousin’s husband.
“Ken, she is too young for you to
start making advances at her, please
let her be,” Nath pleaded and pulled
me up and we began walking
towards the exit.
“Are we going home so soon?” I
asked as Nath pulled me out of the
“Yea,” he said and pulled me to the
popcorn stand where Josh paid the
money, picked up the four bags of
popcorn and turned to leave but
stood surprisingly as he saw us.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
“We’re leaving now,” Nath breath
“I know that Ken is behind this, lets
go,” Josh said, then we walked to the
Before one knew it, we were driving
along the tarred road that led to the
“Why did we have to leave so soon?”
I wanted to know.
“Ken, hope you understand,” Josh
smiled at me and pulled me to
himself while Nath who was driving
We got home at about 6:05pm to
meet mom in the sitting room.
“Why back so early?” Mom asked as I
ran into her arms while she held me
and smoothened my hair.
“Someone tried making advances
towards her, tho he is our friend but
he’s a player,” Nath replied and
headed upstairs while Josh moved
and dropped the bags of popcorn on
the dining table but he couldn’t get
the chance to buy hollandia yogurt,
then came back to the sitting room
and sat on the couch.
“Oh! That’s bad,” Mom said and sat
back on the couch while I sat on her
laps. “He didn’t allow my jewel enjoy
“It’s all right aunt, we can go again
together come saturday,” Josh said
“Good idea,” Mom smiled and turned
to me. “The principal called me, I will
take you to school tomorrow,” She
informed me.
“Okay mom, let me go and change,” I
stood up and walked towards the
“Becky,” mom called as I was about
to climb up and I stopped and turned
back. “David came to look for you.”
“David?” I was surprised. “He came?”
“Yes but nevermind, he said he will
be here tomorrow and I will take you
both to school myself.”
“I just hope I won’t be late again,” I
chuckled as I turned and ran upstairs.
“Silly girl,” Mom laughed…
I woke up very early as usual and
prepared but this time, mom didn’t
delay and by 6:45am, we were
already on our way to school. David
had come to our house and I sat with
him at the back seat while mom
We reached the school 6:50am on
the d.o.t. On normal days, mom
would have parked outside but that
day she drove straight into the
school compound. Though students
had come, the school compound
looked scanty.
Mom led David and I to the
principal’s office…
I saw Joy and Peace sitted on the
settee with a woman I guessed was
Peace’s mother. She wore a grey
colour suit which needed no one to
tell me she will be going to the
office from there.
“Gloria,” the woman exclaimed in
shock and stood up.
“Stella,” Mom also called in surprise,
then they hugged each other in
The woman looked very much like
Peace and my instincts told me she
must be her mother but what
relationship does she have with my
own mother..

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