Broken heart season 2 ep27 - 9jalandzone




Thursday 15 March 2018

Broken heart season 2 ep27

Brandon's POV:
I didn't know what to say after hearing the whole story.
Madeline stared at me waiting for me to say something.
I felt stupid for asking her if she loves that guy.
"I'm sorry Brandon for hiding this from you. But it's not easy for me
to recall all those memories and lay them out in front of you like it
doesn't affect me anymore. Because recalling everything still hurts".
She said.
Her beautiful hazel eyes were looking at me with hope in them that
I'll understand her. And I did understand the reason behind her hiding
everything from me.
But the thing that was stopping me from saying anything was
embarrassment on judging her and accusing her for loving some other
I literally wanted to jump out from the open window of the lounge so I
could escape from this place and imagine it never happened.
"I think we need more time to get to know each other. The six years
gap can't be filled in few months". Madeline said and turned around.
Before she would be able to leave I leaped and captured her wrist in my hand.
"Madeline I'm sorry baby. Please stop. We don't need to take a break.
I have already missed six years of your and my son's life". I said.
My heart was beating crazily at the thought of her leaving me again.
I can't live without her and my son.
"Brandon, you don't trust on the love I have for you. You need more
time to be sure that I would never cheat on you like Laura did". She
said making me loosen my grip around her wrist.
She snatched her hand back.
"I... I don't need more time Madeline. I know I trust you. I'm sure
that you love me. It's just I'm insecure and scared. I know that I'm
not good enough for you and when you'll realize it, you will leave
me". I said making her turn back to face me.
She stared at me and I continued "I love you. I have always loved you
even when I used to think that liking your best friend is wrong. You
might don't believe me because I keep asking you to prove your love.
You might feel my trust is weak on you. But honestly, it is me who I
don't trust. I don't trust myself to make you happy and because of
this I keep hurting you. I'm sorry for being like this but I can't
change myself".
She took the step forward and I pulled out the box that I have been
carrying around for two days in my pocket.
"You can push me away thinking that you're giving me time and it will
help me to tackle the trust issue I have. You might think I need time
to be sure about the love you have for me. But I'm really sorry it's
never going to happen. I'll always feel like I'm not good enough for
you and for my son. I will continue being insecure and keep asking you
to tell me how much you love me. I might annoy you by asking the same
thing our whole lives if you allow me". With that said I kneeled down
and opened the jewelry box that holds a Tiffany engagement ring.
She stared at the engagement ring in shock.
Her mouth opened and closed.
"Madeline Russell Emerson will you marry me and give me the chance to
spend my whole life with you and my son? I promise to make you happy
and love you until my last breath". I said waiting for her to say
The first line that came out from her mouth was "Brandon, get up".
I awkwardly got up from the kneeling position.
My heart broke at her demand.
The expression on her face wasn't giving anything out that was going
inside her pretty head.
"If you think it's early and I'm moving fast, its fine. Just keep the
ring and when you feel ready wear it. I want you to know that I love
you and want to be with you". I said hoping that she would at least
think about us being together and keep the ring.
"I told you I fell in love with you on the first day of kindergarten.
You were the only boy who I let in my life. You were the one who has
seen me at my worst and my best. You are the man who knows my body.
When you asked me that if I love Adrian, I'm not going to lie to you
it hurt me. It hurts me to think that after everything you still have
doubt in your mind that I don't love you because I do. I love you so
much and I might not be able to prove you how much I love you. I might
get irritated by your stupid possessiveness and tell you to leave me
alone. But it doesn't mean that I will stop loving you". She said
starting straight in my eyes.
My mind was jumble. I thought she was going to tell me her answer.
"It is reality that we are moving too fast and there is still a lot to
know about each other. But that can be done while we will be on our
honeymoon". She said crashing her lips on mine.
When her words made sense I blindly pushed the ring on her finger
before she changes her mind and kissed her back.
Our lips were moving hungrily. If it wasn't someone else place I would
have thrown her on the nearest flat surface and make love to her.
She pulled away from the kiss and looked at the ring on her finger.
"The ring is beautiful". She said.
Her eyes were shining again with the shine of happiness that I love so much.
I captured her lips in a passionate kiss while pulling her closer to my body.
Her arms were wrapped around my neck and my hands were circled around her waist.
"You're more beautiful than anything in this world". I said between the kiss.
Her mouth turned up in a smile.
We continue kissing each other while taking small breaks to breathe in between.
"Congrats". The sudden voice made us jump apart.
We looked around to see Sebastian and that guy standing and staring at us.
Madeline and I stared at each other. She has a silly smile on her face
and her beautiful lips looked swollen.
"You guys can carry on. I can knock out Adrian again and go back to
the hotel". Sebastian said.
Madeline sends a glare at his way and said "Adrian I'm glad you are awake".
The Adrian guy looked at me like I am going to attack him or something.
"Brandon, this is Adrian Ford. Adrian, this is Brandon Edward my
fiancé". Madeline said staring at the engagement ring.
I remember Mr. Richard Ford, a well-known businessman in New York and
my dad introduced me to him two years ago on a business dinner. He
told me his son used to run his business when he retired company but
he left business to go Australia and study arts.
"Is Mr. Richard Ford your father?" I asked Adrian.
"Yes, unfortunately he's my father". Adrian guy said making a face.
"How do you know him?" Adrian asked.
Before I would answer him Madeline said "Brandon is actually the CEO
of Edwards company. His company is going to buy your dad's company
soon". Madeline told Adrian.
My eyes widened. I had no idea when my company decided to buy Mr.
Richard Ford's company.
I was about to ask Madeline why she was lying when Adrian decided to speak.
"Why is my dad selling his company to Edwards?" Adrian asked.
"Because your father hasn't been running business the way you used to
do. He tried his best to make everything work but he is old and can't
keep up with the new business techniques like other companies in the
market". Madeline said.
I looked at her like she has lost her mind.
The Ford's company is still at the top in New York so I had no idea
why she was lying to Adrian.
She glared at me that clear says keep your mouth shut and let me handle this.
I shrugged my shoulders and she turned back to Adrian.
"Why are you actually here Madeline? And why did you bring this piece
of shit with you?" The Adrian guy asked while glaring at Sebastian.
Sebastian glared back and clenched his jaw.
Madeline made her way towards them and gasped.
"What happened to your face Sebastian?" She asked touching his jaw.
Sebastian hissed in pain. That's when I noticed the bruise on the
right side of his face.
"I'm fine, Madeline". Sebastian said.
Madeline took the deep breath and scolded at Adrian.
"I'm here to talk Adrian. It has been six and a half years. You don't
need to hide anymore and live like a homeless person". Madeline said
to Adrian.
"I'm not hiding here and I do have a home. This is how I want to
live". Adrian said.
"Yeah that's how you want to live, I'm sure." Madeline said staring at
the tacky place.
There was a complete silence for few seconds.
"Can you please take Sebastian to the hospital?" Madeline asked me.
Sebastian and I stared at her like she has lost her mind. She wants me
to leave her with this messed up guy.
"I don't need to go to the hospital. It's nothing serious". Sebastian
said touching the swollen part of his cheek.
"No problem, I can give you some serious injuries". Adrian said
glancing at Sebastian.
"Fu*k off Adrian". Sebastian said leaving the apartment.
"Go follow Sebastian and wait for me near the car. I'll come back
after knocking some senses into his head". Madeline said to me staring
at Adrian.
"I don't think so it's a good idea. I'll stay here with you". I said
making her scoffed.
"Brandon, please hear me this time". Madeline pleaded.
I sighed and pecked her mouth before leaving.
When I reached downstairs I saw Sebastian standing near his car.
I walked towards him and stopped near the car.
After few minutes he broke the awkward silence.
"I know you must be wondering why Adrian and I hate each other so
much. And how Madeline got mingle in mine and his war". Sebastian
"I'm actually curious to know what's Adrian and yours history? Why did
he kidnapped Madeline then protected her?" I asked him.
"Adrian and I used to study in NYU. I met this girl in a coffee shop
and fell in love of first sight. The girl and I developed a kind of
friendship. But later I found out that she was Adrian's girlfriend.
They were dating from high school and happy together. I had to back
away from her. Adrian somehow found out that I felt something for her.
He hated me ever since". Sebastian said and took the deep breath.
"So he hates you because you liked his girlfriend?" I asked him.
"No, that's not the only reason. He hates me because I'm the reason
why his girlfriend is dead". Sebastian said.
I was shaken after hearing him. Madeline told me about Adrian killing
a man to save her but now Sebastian telling me how Adrian girlfriend
is dead because of him really made me thought about the friends'
circle Madeline has surrounded herself.
"There was this party that was thrown on the farm house by one of our
mutual friends. Adrian couldn't make it but Fiona decided to come.
When I heard she was coming to the party I decided to leave because I
was avoiding her from the time I found out she was Adrian's
girlfriend. But what I didn't know that someone messed up with my
car's break that night. I tried everything to stop the car from
crashing but it happened. When I woke up after being out for three
days in the hospital, I came to know the car that crashed with mine
was Fiona's and she died". Sebastian said.
I took the deep breath and turned to Sebastian.
"I... I understand everything now. Adrian blames you for his
girlfriend death. But the truth is it was an accident and he is not
accepting that". I said.
Sebastian nodded his head.
"You know what? He's not the only one accepting it that it's not your
fault. You're blaming yourself for something that you didn't do
intentionally". I said making Sebastian look at me with frown.
"Does Adrian know that the breaks of your car weren't working that
night?" I asked him.
He shook his head.
"No he doesn't know anything about this. My father asked Police
department to keep it a secret. He concluded that our business rivals
tried to kill me but we didn't find any proofs to claim that this
theory is correct". Sebastian said.
"There weren't any other attempts to kill you after that one?" I asked to him.
"No, there weren't any other attempts to kill me in last six and half
years". Sebastian said.
"Strange". I said making Sebastian look at me with frown.
"I mean if someone wanted you dead he/she should have tried again
after getting failed in the first one. Why there hasn't been any other
attempt?" I said.
"Maybe they changed their mind of killing me". Sebastian said.
"Or maybe the one that wants you dead have died too". I mumbled.
Sebastian head snapped at my way.
"I'm sorry". I said.
"No, you're right. I'm curious to that why there wasn't any other
attempt to kill me or hurt me?" Sebastian said rubbing his jaw with
his hand.
"I know someone who can help you". I said thinking about my cousin Chris.
Madeline POV:
After Brandon left I turned to Adrian.
"I know my dad's company is doing fine". Adrian said.
He caught my lie means despite getting wasted he keeps tab on business
world. I guess old habits die hard.
"Okay. You caught my lie. Now let's get to the business. I'm here to
drag you back from this filthy place to your lavish mansion where your
parents are waiting for you". I said.
"I'm not going back". Adrian said.
"Why?" I asked him moving closer and placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Because every-fu*king-thing reminds me of her". Adrian gritted.
"I understand Adrian. But you need to stop ruining yourself for
someone who died six years ago. She might hate herself because of what
she has done to you and what you've become after her death. Don't give
her more pain by slowly dying". I said.
Adrian stared at me with pain filled eyes. His eyes were begging me to
help him but his face was showing restrain against the idea of living
without the love his life.
"What do you want me to do?" Adrian asked me.
"I want you to come with me". I said.
"Come with you where?" He asked me.
"Boston". I said.
"Boston?" He asked me in pure confusion.
I nodded my head.
"What will I do there?" Adrian asked me.
"You'll going to help me in arranging my wedding". I said.
His eyes widened.
I laughed at his expression.
"I was joking. I just need you in my wedding and other events of my
life because you are the reason why I am here today, breathing". I
He hugged me. I hugged him back knowing that sometimes all you need is
a hug to lessen the pain in your heart.
After Adrian packed his things which weren't much, we made our way
downstairs and outside the building.
Sebastian and Brandon looked in some deep conversation. Adrian and I
made my way towards them.
"I hope we are not intruding". I said making Sebastian roll his eyes.
Brandon turned to me and the way he was looking I knew he was
accessing me for any injuries or sign that if Adrian has hurt me.
"What is he doing here?" Sebastian asked indicating towards Adrian.
I smiled and said "Adrian is coming with us".
Sebastian eyes widened and Brandon just looked at Adrian from head to toe.
Adrian did look like some hipster with the beard and long hair but
that was actually good, no one will recognize him.
"Let's get in the car everyone". I said taking a seat at the back.
Brandon also jumped at the back seat like he was blocking the space if
someone decided to sit.
Sebastian took the bag from Adrian hands and threw it in the trunk of
his car and got inside the car.
He started the car and Adrian grumbled something then slide inside the
passenger seat.
I had to stifle my laugh by looking at two male that hate each other's
guts, sitting in one car side by side.
"Are you sure we are safe in this guy's presences?" Brandon mumbled in my ear.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Trust me he is a good guy". I replied.
Brandon kissed my head and said "I trust you".
After the half an hour we arrived at the hotel Sebastian and I stayed
last night.
"Hi we need one more room". Sebastian said to the man at the reception.
"Hum. Sorry sir but there is no available room here for tonight". The
man replied.
Sebastian and Adrian both glared at the man while he looked everywhere
but at them.
"It's fine. Brandon and I will share a room. You and Adrian can share
a room". I said Sebastian.
"I will not share a room with him". Sebastian said.
"Then you are welcome to stay in our room. You can take couch". I said
to Sebastian.
He grinned.
"But you might need some cotton balls to stuff in your ears". I said.
"Why would I need to stuff cotton balls in my ears?" Sebastian asked.
"Brandon and I have plans for tonight to celebrate our engagement". I
said showing him my ring.
Brandon coughed and he has a slight blush on his face.
"I might puke. I can tolerate Adrian's presence in my room but I can't
hear you moaning all night". Sebastian said making his way towards the
"Good for you". I yelled.
Adrian scoffed and followed him.
"Do you want to have dinner because I'm starving"? I said dragging
Brandon towards the restaurant.
"Madeline is you forgetting we have plans". Brandon said stopping me.
I gave him a nervous smile and said "I just wanted them to stay in one
room. Before everything that happened with Fiona, they were friends
and I want them to become friends again".
"That's great. But I do have some plans to celebrate our engagement".
Brandon whispered in my ear.
I shuddered when his lips touched the outline of my ear.
"Brandon people are staring". I said.
"Really, we should give them something to stare". Brandon said
smacking his lips on mine and kissing the life out of me.
The way his hand was making its journey from my waist to my breast
made me pull away.
"We will order room service". I said dragging him to the elevator.
When the elevator doors closed his lips were on mine again.

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