First Time For Vicky – Episode 1 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

First Time For Vicky – Episode 1

But he is over 60 years old, said
Well maybe he is but he is in great shape, his
body looks
more like he is 40. Guy, all my lady friends say
that you boys
don't become men until age 40 and Carlo has 20
years of experience
as a man, so he has the experience to teach our
daughter what
she needs to know in order to be popular with
high school boys and men in general.
Jean, how are we going to get Vicky to go along
with this? After all she like all the other kids and
people in general
think that young is good and anything over 40 is
bad, said
Guy, you and I will have to do a little brain
washing. we will
talk to her about the benefits of learning about
s*x from an
older man.
Jean, how will we convince Carlo Giovanni to
teach our Vicky about s*x? he is rather
conservative, Italian/American, grandfather and I
am not sure he would look at another woman.
Guy, his wife hasn't slept with him in years and if
he is a red
Blooded, Italian male, he is hot and horny. Leave
him to me and
I will convince him. He also likes Vicky a lot. Do
you remember
how he played with her in their pool last summer
at the company picnic? They could not stop
touching each other while
they played in the water. Since there were so
many people in the pool, Carlo didn't think
anyone would notice.
The next day the front door slammed close as
Vicky entered the house after school. Vicky, what
the problem, dear, her mother asked? Vicky ran
into her bedroom crying. Her mother
follows her into the room and sits next to Vicky on
the bed.
Jean, just sits there and waits for Vicky to calm
Oh mother I hate high school none of the boys
even look at me and I got cut from the cheer
leader tryouts.
Vicky, I need to
talk to you about your problem. Will you listen to
me and
quit crying, please.
Yes, mother I will listen.
Well Vicky you
need to learn about boys and s*x.
Yes, mother I agree. I don't
know much about those two subjects, but I don't
know how to go about
learning. Most of the high school kids are all talk.
They don't
know Sh*t and from I hear from other girls, boys
don't do anything
for their girlfriend, only for themselves.
Vicky, now that you are growing up I am going to
tell you some
things I did when I was your age and even
younger. Well my best friend and I both made the
cheerleaders squad, when she
lost her cherry to the captain of the varsity
football team. A
good looking guy by the name of Josh Logan. Well
it was a very
bad experience for her. He did it in the back seat
of his dad's car in the high school parking lot after
the game. He didn't take his time to make sure
she was ready, he just rammed it in and
did his thing and took her home in pain, both
physical and psychological.
I talked to my mom and told her about what
happened. But mom was from the old school, s*x
was bad, but
necessary and only after you got married.
So I asked my aunt
Sue, she was a lot younger than mom and being
dad's sister, she
was a lot more with it than mom. Since aunt sue
had never got
married and had lots of boy friends, I just knew
she could help
me understand about boys and s*x. Aunt Sue
told me that having s*x with boys was like taking
a ride in a high powered car without any brakes,
fast acceleration but no control. A dangerous, one
with little or no consideration for your pleasure
and welfare. Aunt Sue said it was important that
the first time you had s*x that it was a good
experience. Aunt
Sue said that males don't grow up to become
men until the age
of 40. These men are better partners for women
of any age, but
in particular for girls with little or no experience,
1) they have more experience
2) they understand women and our bodies better
3) they have more patience, are not in a big rush
4) they want to please us
5) they are less likely to be focused on only
pleasing themselves,
6) they are less likely to be wrapped up in their
career, their job, and themselves
7) they know more about the mechanics of s*x
and how to
adapt this knowledge to meet our needs and
more likely to cooperate with you when you
desire to
become a mom, by planting his seed where and
when it
will do the most good.
9) they make better dad's because they have
grown up
enough to realize how important it is to be a good
and will spend as much time as possible at home
with you
and the kids.
God mom, I never though about these things, but
they seem
to make sense. But dad is the only older man I
know, but you and I know that dad and I are too
much alike for me to be comfortable with and he
is after all my dad and I cannot
do anything with my dad, no way!
Vicky, there is another mature male you know,
just think about it for a while and when you
remember who he is come
talk to me about him. When Vicky was in bed her
mother looked in to say good night and Vicky said
mom could it be
dad's boss Carlo?
Yes, dear you are exactly right.
Well mom
Carlo is a lot of fun and he so nice and nice
looking too.
But, I so seldom see him that even if I wanted to it
would not be
Vicky, I think i can help you in this matter, but
only for you
to spend some quality time with Carlo, everything
else will
have to be up to you.
Mom, didn't I hear you tell dad that
in spite of the fact that his wife doesn't sleep with
him any
more he doesn't have any lady friends.
Yes, dear I did say that, but when there is a will
there is a way. I know Carlo
likes you a lot! Remember your time in the pool
with him last year at the company picnic?
Yea, that's right we had a
good old time hugging, pushing, shoving and of
course splashing each other.
Vicky, I happen to know that Carlo has to go to
for some business, at Stanford University the
same date you
have your trip for that awesome soccer
tournament in the same
area of the state. your dad and I cannot go
because of some
of our best friends are coming to visit us that
week end. Well it seems that the team mom and
the coach said that a
relative from each family had to travel with each
on this trip. I was going to call your aunt, but I
think I can
talk Carlo into being your uncle for the week end.
Remember the last soccer trip? Due to the fact
girls didn't get any sleep because you talked to
each other all night, you ran out of gas and lost
in the final so now the coach want each girl in her
own room with
only her adult family member.
Vicky, I need you to be honest with me. Now tell
me the truth,
are you still a virgin?
Mother, how could you ask me such
a personal question?
Yes, I know dear but it is a very important
question, so tell me the truth.
Well all right,
I am sure you will be glad to hear that I am. I am
glad Vicky,
I didn't want you to have a very unpleasant
experience your
first time.
Well Vicky, I am going to make an appointment
for you with
my doctor and have him put you on the pill right
And Vicky I will arrange it so we will have Carlo over for
dinner one night and see if he need someone to
man his nice,
large, sail boat. He told me no one in his family
wanted to
sail, so he was unable to do what he loves so
much, sailing.
Mom, that sounds so neat. You know that I have
been dying to
sail on his type of boat. All that time I spent
learning how to sail during that class the country
club offered last
summer, will help me a lot.
Mom, this is interesting but I do not think i can
this off. I don't have enough experience. Vicky,
you are
very pretty and have a great body, no man will be
to resist you, but first we must buy you some
that will make you irresistible. The first thing we
buy is
some very hot, bikinis, thongs and bras.

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