3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 9 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 9

Later in the night that same Thursday, students that jumped through
the fence are were not delivered summoned an urgent meeting, Jack,
Cynthia and Mara with others that escaped were present at the meeting,
there was complete silent at the meeting and many seating were vacant.
Jack stood up
I hope this is not the right time to start blaming anybody instead we
shall put heads together to see what we can do to see that things will
be put together and that must start with making Joshua pay for his
You have spoken well said Cynthia we must find what to do to replace
the vacant seat before the master comes from his trip to India and
most especially Evelyn needed to come back if not the grandmaster will
have our heads hanged said Mara.
We should not attack him spiritual again since we have found that he
was vibrant in the spirit, we shall invite Jimmy the great Oduduwa of
champion school, the maidens of the earth goddess from academic light
and the darkness angel of frustration from St. Michael (A.K.A Spies)
there are to help throughout this battle.
They are to kidnap James and Joshua to enable them remain in our
custody before we decide the next thing to do.
but we have series of securities here in our school said Susana.
We don't have problem with that, that night they invoke all their
members from different school and discussed of what to do.
Exactly 10:00am Friday morning the school was in hot atmosphere.
Some group of people drove into the school killed three securities on
duty; James and Joshua were taken away to unknown destination, the
sound of their gun which they shoot as if they produce bullet
themselves attract the local vigilante on a patrol. They tried to stop
the terrorist but they lost two of their men.
The event was report to the DPO of the division by the head of the
vigilante Mr. Akumba
As Mr. Akumba left the station a beautiful young girl entered the DPO office
good day young lady how can I help you?
Am one to help you sir, don't worry yourself answered Chinny
what a hell do you come to my office to talk about.
Sir if you so much love yourself and your family stay far away from
the case that Mr. Akumba just reported to you,
are you threatning me
Chinny raise her hand and murmur some words Jimmy, Daniela and Loveth
appeared then DPO tries to disappear with his own power but he cannot
don't be deceive by your fetish power said Jimmy they laugh at him,
the man got scared what can I do for you tell me as long as you will
spare my life, your life is not in danger if you cooperate said Loveth
hitting the DPO on his chest stay away from the case that Chinny
reminded you of just that.
Just spare my life I will do it I can even resign
We don't want to come back here but if we do you shall live to tell
the calamity that will befall your entire family said Chinny
i… i..i promised stammered the DPO
Good we can now leave said Jimmy
They all disappeared
This job will not kill me!
But baba lawo told me that the power he gave me will help to protect
me even if the queen of the coast attacked me and it has been so, but
why is it that it losses it power before this little children, anyway
obedient is better than sacrifice I don't want my life to become a
story that touches the heart.
The SU members assembled at the Lord's chapel to pray
Chibuike stood up and address the audience; I really appreciate the
love you have shown to one another by assembling here to intercede on
behalf of our brethren that had been missing for past two days, I know
of a truth that there is a God in heaven the most high he is with
James and Joshua wherever they are.
These was battle has taken more of physical appearance than spiritual
that even a blind man will see the writing on the wall said Chidimma
Two of us is missing Reuben regain his sense 2 days ago we have to
stop this dialogue and engage in a battle said Ebuka
Evelyn the newly repented cultist kept silent
I have seen something else under the sun
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong nor food for
the wise or wealth for the brilliant or favour for the learned but
time and chance happen to all, this minute maybe your last hour to
seek God so you have to manage the next second said Tony
Enough of that nonsense entered the principal; everything like SU will
have to stop in this school until we get things in order said the
the principal turn to leave before the queen of the coast appeared she
wore white gown with her hair almost touching the ground her eyes was
as red as a furious lion ready to devour it victim she was accompanied
by a huge dragon and python that was understood to be her servants.
The python vomited a seat and queen sat on it while the dragon keeps
fanning her. As the drama was going the students drew backward and the
student started shouting Jesus! Others tried to use the door shut
ha ha ha ha ha come and fight me you said that it is time for war yet
you ran away before the war, let me see how your God will save you
from my wrath today
The people almost loss hope as they have used everything within their
power all proof abortive
greater is he that is in me than he that in the world said Evelyn
going towards the queen.
Evelyn stop deceiving yourselves return to the river that is where you belong;
you lied my soul belong to God he formed me in my mother's womb he
destined me for a time like this.
Am I a mortal that you have approach me with your vain wisdom just
come back to me I will return your position to you I will make you
taste the glory of earthly riches
you failed it, as many that believeth in him has been given the power
to become sons and daughters of the living God
The queen become furious with her, you haven't taken the greatest
position in the brotherhood, you have the deadly powers in the
brotherhood, you are the only one allowed to know the secrets of the
inner most chamber discussion of the brotherhood yet you denied him
and joined the enemy of the brotherhood I will not spare your life for
the next minute.
No one that had gone through the holy book of mysteries and leant the
keys of deception that will escape the brotherhood. The queen raises
her hand something like a pillar of fire appeared she sent it to
Evelyn I command you in the name of the river goddess to die by fire,
the fire move towards Evelyn the students in the building screamed for help
let the fire seize in the name of Jesus,
then the fire stood still the students and Mr. principal were
astonished for her audacity.
I told you earlier that he that is in me is greater than he that is in
you but now I will tell you that the battle is neither to the swift
nor the race for the might nor riches for wise but time and chances
happens to them, so your chance is now restricted the children of God
shall enjoy their liberty said Evelyn with a smiling face.
We shall know who owns the battle now replied the queen
The battle is neither mine nor the ones you are tormenting the battle
is of the Lord.
The queen did some incantation and commands the fire to move but the
fire makes no attempt she tried all she can but the fire maintain its
Evelyn laughed at her
You come against me in the name of the river goddesugks but I come
against you in the name of the Lord let the fire go back to it sender,
the fire reverse back to the queen of the coast the queen and her
servants disappeared all the doors and windows opened the people were
looking at Evelyn full of surprise you were talking about war but ran
away even before the trumpet could make a sound forever oh Lord your
word is settled in heaven.
To be continued…

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