3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 5 - 9jalandzone




Wednesday 14 February 2018

3 Days In Ogbele Forest – Episode 5

During the fellowship Ebube preacher urge the people to be vibrant in
spirit "don't be ignorant of the devices of the enemy, remember one of
us has been struck with madness there at the street and we have not
done much about it".
We can't continue folding our hands and watch things go wrong because
tomorrow maybe too late and who knows the next victim we have to offer
ourselves as a living sacrifice such that is acceptable unto God
He rounded the sermon and it was almost time for dismissal, she ask
people that came with edible things that they wishes to share among
brethren to bring it forward so that they can bless it.
What does that suppose to mean asked Susana (one of the newly recruit
cultist) are you suspecting one of us is a member of the marine
No you are very far from what he meant as children of God we should
learn to presence everything we have in the presence of God as
thanksgiving especially at a gathering like these which our Lord Jesus
was a practical example when he gathered loaves and fishes give thanks
to God and ordered his disciple to share it to the multitude.
Defended Chidimma
Many people that brought fruits, foods and snacks forwarded it but
Evelyn didn't show up.
Evelyn have you forgotten that you came with groundnut maybe you want
to eat alone but I caught you said Joshua in a playful expression
Everybody laughed but didn't understand what just transpire between
Joshua and Evelyn
Nawa o for you Joshua, so all this while that the preaching was going
on you are only concentrating on my groundnut but I promise you won't
smell it she joked as she forwarded the groundnut.
Other marine cultist within the group where disappointed in Evelyn,
Evelyn was astonished, who told this good for nothing fool that I have
groundnut with me she whispered to herself. The groundnut and others
were blessed and the power left it, it become ordinary groundnut.
When Evelyn came back from fellowship she was indeed full of thought
so many things run through her mind, who told this good for nothing
boy about my groundnut
How can I tell the brotherhood that I failed this simple assignment
how can they believe I didn't reveal their secret maybe this guy
belong to some where even at that he will not dare an offspring of the
brotherhood and go Scott-free.
I swore to deal with that nonentity he want to bury my promotion and
attract me punishment from the brotherhood, no I won't allow him never
in my life by the time am done with him he will understand that
Surugede is funeral songs of the spirit I mean he will compare a
beating of the mortals and a touch from the spirit.
Before she could arrived with a thought Susana approached her
Evelyn what's wrong with you for goodness sake?
My sister I don't know oo she said clapping her hands.
Then who told Joshua about the groundnut just don't tell me you
allowed anybody discovered what you were carrying.
That is exactly what I was thinking before you arrived I am very sure
that no eyes set on that groundnut talk more of Joshua
Does that mean that he posses a mysterious power? Asked Susana if so
we have to stop him before he stops us
Already it is clear that he belongs somewhere but I have a plan that
best suit him.
Baby gist me
I have to posses Nneka the only female in that group that is so close
to him I will make her to seduce the boy.
how can this happen, we both knew that girls are not allowed into the
boys hostel even at night security are always busy Infact the school
is such busy that it won't be possible, if you suggest classroom
people are there for night class, just tell me how?
You have soon forgotten that both boys and girls are allowed into the
Lord chapel at anytime to pray both night and daytime.
Perhaps that will be a nice place for such misconduct
i will just spell that impossible for no one born of a woman whether
with his senses or not will accept to try such evil at the Lord
That is more reasons why you should appreciate the idea because if I
succeed that means they have defied both the temple of Holy Spirit and
sin against their own body then the spirit divine will leave them and
that deadly Lord's chapel
What if the Holy Spirit rebukes you?
That one dey am there to face Joshua not the Holy Spirit
Your idea is very nice but you ought to be very careful before you
venture the unimaginable
Fear not, the air was never trapped
I will be going now I have a deal to carry out before 5:00pm and as
you know man is inexcusable before the brotherhood,
Which deal is that you take less serious?
It's just a small deal
I have to make Amaka to sneak out with me I will tell her I want to
see my cousin for my financial assistance, I will persuade her in the
spirit and she will sneak out with me to where I will take her to
Jimmy's house then Jimmy will complete the remaining assignment of
defiling and initiating her
That is a promotional deal
Okay I will see you tomorrow if your mission is accomplished.
To be continued…

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