Trauma season 1 episode 23 - 9jalandzone




Tuesday 30 January 2018

Trauma season 1 episode 23

TRAUMA ( Pains of Love ) - Season 1
Episode 23
* *
Once inside the room, Nath made me sit on the
edge of the bed, he didn’t sit too but instead
held my hands in his.
“I myself don’t really understand, lets just wait
till the cat has been let out of the bag,” he
I looked at him searchingly, like one who was
trying to figure out the truth. “Sure?” I asked.
“Trust me honey,” Nath said and released my
hand, then tapped my right cheek. “Hurry up
and come downstairs, then our mystery will be
solved,” he added and left. I stared after him
but could only let myself wonder if the secret I
was about to hear would make my mum and I
loose the cordial relationship we had.
“Imagine! She even bath me and did my chores
as if that would change the fact that she has
been hiding something from me for years,” I
thought out aloud and stood up to put on my
white tank top. “Fourteen years na beans,” I
hissed and picked up my wristwatch to put on
too, then hissed again and dropped it. “Becky
you must be crazy, wristwatch? Inside the
house, hia!!!,” I laughed and walked to my book
shelf where I picked up “NATIVE SON BY
RICHARD WRIGHT.” You know that voluminous
novel about racial discrimination
my dad loved that book but sadly, he’s no
more*sad face*). Soon I walked out of my room,
making sure to close my door very well.
Along the corridor, It seemed like I heard mom
sobbing inside her room. I wanted going in to ask
her but decided against it…
I walked into the sitting room to meet my
auntie, uncle and cousins sitted at different
positions on the couch, looking sad and drawn. I
greeted but received a dull response in return, I
didn’t bother cos I knew the reason why. I sat
inbetween Nath and Josh and leaned my head on
Josh’s shoulder.
“No breakfast?” I inquired.
“There’s food in the kitchen incase you’re
hungry cos as for us, we’re on secret fasting,”
Josh answered.
I smiled a bit and nodded, then began to flip
through the novel I held to while away time.
Mom came downstairs later with a puffed and
swollen face that looked like fried akara balls
(lol). She too also sat on a couch but beside my
auntie and uncle.
“Mom!” I called out. “Have you been crying?”
She cleaned her face and smiled bitterly, then
shook her head negatively in response, so I
decided not to bother her…
We waited and waited, finally the Mr Peters and
Eric arrived at about 8:05am. I wanted to ask of
his wife but couldn’t. After the exchange of
pleasantries, he sat on a single couch opposite
the one mom sat on with my auntie and uncle
while the Eric of a guy sat opposite the one I
sat with Nath and Josh. I closed my novel and
clutched it to my chest waiting for the drama
to unfold.
There was no time to waste coz I was d--n
hungry. Mr Peters cleared his throat and began
his narration…
(This flash back won’t be in first person
narrative technique as the story).
Mr Peters sat on a sofa in his small sitting room
looking gloomy. The sitting room was a typical of
a bachelor’s apartment. A double seat sofa with
small black and white television at the far end.
A small table stood in the middle with books
littered on top. A yellow and white curtain
demacated the room thus making the inner
room a bedroom coz it was a one apartment
Mr Peter was going through his small china phone
since there was no power supply at the moment
when all of a sudden, Gloria barged into the
house through the open door.
Peter dropped the phone and stood up almost
immediately to hug her but she pushed him away
roughly and walked to middle of the room and
threw her handbag on the sofa in anger.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Peter asked, advancing
towards her.
“Don’t you dare come close to me, you fool,”
Gloria shrieked.
Peter looked astonished. “Is everything
“No!” Gloria shouted. “Why did you get me
“Pregnant?” Peter’s mouth opened in shock.
“No! Nantpreg,” Gloria hissed and sat down,
then began tapping her left foot angrily.
Peter sat down too, facing her, “But your being
pregnant isn’t a problem na, you know I love you
besides you kept asking for more and…”
“Shut the hell up Peter,” Gloria interrupted.
“My fiance will soon be back from the states to
finalize our marriage rites and you’re here
talking nonsense!” she fired.
“So, what are you insinuating? Hope it’s not
abortion o coz that’s my first child,” Peter
“What else, abortion of coz,” Gloria stood up and
folded her arms.
Peter also stood up, “You dare not try it Gloria
if not I’ll expose you,” he threatened…
To be continued....

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